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I played the silly version. It was very funny, mostly because of the puppy and the baby dragon. I didn't quite enjoy the narration.

Riddles were fun, but being honest, I answered most of them by trial and error. The gameplay experience was odd and enjoyable, kind of surreal. Kuddos for how memories are represented. And I loved how the camera changes to focus the attention on some props (very Resident Evil-ish).

The way you interact with objects and NPCs feels weird, if players will be able to do only one action, why are there two clicks required to do that action. I mean, if, for example, you can "interact" and "examine", then clicking to choose one of those options makes sense, but if you can only "interact", or, in this game's case, "talk", then asking players for a second click goes against a good UX.

It would be fine if players can control when to pass to the next dialog line. I missed a couple of them because I didn't have the time to read (and my listening is not good enough to understand everything).

I'm not sure if I finished the game. I got to a scene with the puppy riding the dragon and Sir Kanon walking on water. I walked forward and fell out of the screen. Later I figured out that there was a mirror to the right, but I could not make Sir Kanon go back up to the water platform.


You finished the game. The mirror to the right was just for the credits. Good job getting through everything, and yeah we hoped to find more time to add more types of interactions with more stuff and NPCs. Yeah with the dialogue there was a lot that can be improved there, some things were fixed in the non-silly version.