Mostly: "What hawkbyte said". There is something of a built-in hint system, for a while, but even so there's a lot you sort of have to stumble on. (I appreciated the ability to reset the countdown; the fact that you could do so took some "keep trying everything" commands.)
And there are bugs. Kind of a lot of bugs, actually, some of which may render the game unwinnable, which is really a shame because the thing that causes that bug is also the thing you need to do if you pick the right thing to do. (But once you find that doing the wrong thing renders things unwinnable, you may be less inclined to experiment. Save often.)
But the puzzles are interesting and the throwaway jokes are terrific. Occasionally when stuck I'd try doing random things (jumping, pointing things at themselves, eating things) just to look for more "Maybe if you were <Fantastic Superhero Name>" messages. So there's a lot to like here, as long as you've got some patience.