Yeah, it's a lot nicer now. I think reducing the wait time after abilities made a big difference. Sweet!
Now that I played it more, I have a few bug reports/feature requests:
• First just a positive comment: Being able to undo movement is awesome! (and canceling abilities) Without it, I would be in big trouble. I found myself using it multiple times per turn to check out different options. Checking if a guy was in range from a certain spot, how much extra damage I got from high ground, etc. I never had to worry about moving a guy into the wrong position by mistake and losing a turn. (In Endless Legend, for example, it's way too easy to make that mistake!)
• There's a bug with Ring Gust. I think it messes up if you use it when it wouldn't have any effect. You activate it, the UI slides away like it should be animating stuff, but then it never comes back and you have to force-close the game. You should be able to reproduce it. If you start a skirmish playing the Apprentice Trial Team and immediately use Ring Gust (before moving).
• Sometimes damage numbers seem to be off by +1 or -1 between what the UI tells you and what it actually does. Maybe some rounding issue?
• Some of the items could use a bit of extra "real" description. Flash and Salts specifically. They don't really tell you what they do.
• It would be nice to have a subtle indication of the game grid on the floor. Sometimes it's hard to see how things line up for using the straight-line spells and other attacks. Also it would let you count tiles so you could stay out of enemy range, plan next turn's moves, etc.
Aaaaand then some bigger feature requests. Nothing super difficult I don't think, and things that would increase the replayability a lot.
• Some random variation in skirmish maps. Having some of the environmental features from the mission battles in skirmishes would make them a lot more interesting. Throw in a couple random obstacles and elevated tiles. Maybe vary the proportion and size of the map a little bit. Just a small variation each time could make a big difference.
• Squad Customization. The pre-made squads are good, and there's quite a few choices, but if you could hand-pick the units in your squad, that would add a lot of extra play hours messing around with different combinations of units. Also it would let you customize the difficulty—you could simply give the enemy an extra unit or two, or give yourself fewer. (or vice versa to make it easier.)
• Modding Support. Not sure how you have your units set up, this could be easy or a fair bit of work. If you loaded in the specs for units from a JSON file or some other text format, then you could let people define their own custom units. Then all sorts of new units could be added to the game, through no effort on your part! Maybe some cool things you didn't think of. It seems like the abilities are all simple enough to be defined with a few parameters. Name, cool down, damage (<0 for heal), range, a 2d array for the hit pattern, number of knockback tiles. Forget about allowing custom unit models and textures, just let people hook up to existing ones by name.
Anyway, that's my two cents. I know it's way easier to dream about game features than to actually make them, hahaha! I'm sure you have your own list.