Thank you so much for the great review! I hate to have to confess this but there isn't really anything else done in the game. I had part of the puzzle done, but only the part in the first room, which requires items from the other rooms, but I ran out of time doing that. There were also several things that were supposed to happen that I messed up the events on so they don't trigger properly. (There are more enemies, for instance, but the event for them has them off because I put the wrong switch as the page condition.) I also had been implementing a skill level up system that I didn't finish putting in. The drop rate was turned up high so I could test how much junk vs good items you'd get, and also see if any of the permutations I put in are too strong.
If you're interested, I plan on putting up a new demo for this game, maybe in a couple weeks, with the first floor done. I, unfortunately, work fairly slowly bc I have a full time job and a family. And I just got MV earlier this year so I'm still learning. That's one reason I didn't have more to show for it in a "make a game in a month" contest. XD I'm actually a bit embarrassed seeing everyone's games and my submission is so amateurish. But I'm gonna keep plugging away at it.