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A member registered Oct 12, 2018 · View creator page →

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OK I gotcha, I didn't know the problem was needing to use an older Eli Book. I'll test that out and see if it doesn't break anything. XD (I'm using four of your plugins plus Eli Book.) Thanks!

Just a heads up: I'm using the free version and it doesn't seem to work anymore. I'm not sure if the paid version still works or not. I keep getting an error about a reference to "anime". I have gotten it to work, kind of, by deleting every instance where anime or animation is used in the code. The only bad thing is that the window now opens on the left side of the screen instead of in the middle, but I'm just going to use a plugin to full screen the game as a fix for this. (I do plan on purchasing the paid version, if it works, but only when I've finished making the game.) I just thought you'd like to know about this issue just in case. (The pic is after I deleted the first line with an error, sorry. There are still several references that I had to delete after this to get the plugin to work.)

OK gotcha, thanks!

I reread the post below several times and realized what I had to do was make one of the choices the default choice in the choice event itself. I don't really want to do that as I'd prefer it not having the cursor on any choice to start with, but if that's the only way the plugin works I guess I can live with it. Thanks!

I keep getting an error undefined when I try to hover over a choice. Please, can you tell me how to set this up properly so I don't get that issue?

Thanks I'll check it out!

Here's the screenshot.

I'm using the short name of MSXP and I've written the same way in the numerous places, but couldn't get it to work that way at all. For instance, $gameParty.members()[0].MSXP wouldn't return the value, but $gameParty.members()[0].cparam(3) would. I also used a.MSXP + a.atk * 4 - b.def * 2 in my damage formula but I get the same amount of damage every time. I had this in the note tag for a skill and it didn't work:

<JS Post-Apply>


</JS Post-Apply>

But using 3 instead works.

I can't get the shortName to work at all. Should it be a certain length of characters? Does it need to be uncapitalized?

Awesome thanks!

Hi, love your plugins! I'm having an odd issue with this one (or it might be a feature that is just an issue with how I'm using it). When I have pauses in the message box like \. the frame rate for the animation goes way down. Is there a way to prevent that from happening?

By the 1870s 95% of the prison population of the south was black. Laws were enacted targeting freed slaves in order to incarcerate them and put them back on the plantations they'd been freed from. Now, I play fast and loose with history in this game, but please understand that every decision I made is with purpose. The plantation owner is a racist who, while he might enslave a white person, would not choose to kill one and turn him into a zombie. He even disagreed with creating a living zombie of a white woman (in his own misogynistic and racist way). He only attempts to kill the protagonist (a white man) bc you the player have decided to fight him, but that wouldn't have been his choice. He's trying to make the protagonist his right-hand man. Now, I didn't mean to suggest that no other races were subject to convict leasing, but the entire first half of the game explains why the protagonist has found himself in this predicament and should, with some thought, explain why many freed slaves would have no way of getting themselves out of it. Neither he nor his family could pay his way to freedom. In fact, the game is set in Florida, which outlawed convicted leasing after the death of a white prisoner who should have been freed instead. His family sent the money to the prison to secure his release, but it was likely stolen. I think it's telling that it took the death of a white man to end convict leasing. Many, many black people died in the harsh conditions they were thrust into, particularly in Florida, which was said to have had the harshest conditions of any state.

I agree with the rest of your assessment; however, I'm not sure exactly what to do to fix the issues. I've thought about adding an interactive flashback during the long cellar speech, but I'm not sure what that would entail and then the player would be playing as the antagonist, a truly loathsome character. I could try to shorten the speech, but that would only be to condense things. I don't think there's any information I could remove that isn't necessary to the player to understand exactly what's happening. It's certainly wordy, tho, so I'm sure some of it could be condensed without losing anything. As for the graphics... unless I hired someone to make them, they're kinda the best I can do.

I played and beat the game, not sure if there are other endings, as I didn't feel like the whole story was given in the game. Would have liked to have more to do during the game, maybe fragments of backstory or something. Also really felt like either the enemies shouldn't respawn or the game should be more of an action title instead of turn-based. I enjoyed it for what it was tho. The graphics were nice, and the music and sound effects really complimented the game, tho I'd suggest turning down the sound effects a bit. Nice jump scare near the end of the game. I felt like it needed more things like that. Also, when you have a choice selection, it's best to not have the cursor start on one selection as it's too easy to accidentally choose it (I'm guilty of forgetting to do this myself). Overall I liked the game, just wish there was a bit more to it and some of the small issues were fixed. (I think there's some weird passability issues as well, I kept getting stuck on invisible obstacles.)

I liked a lot of things about this game, but there were also a lot of things that seriously held it back. The custom graphics and battle engine were nice, and I liked that the story was told from the middle as it was happening. I admit I haven't beaten the demo yet, but unfortunately the game is very frustrating. While I could get into a nice rhythm with a full party, the low HP of the other characters meant they would die after a few battles and have to be replaced. I felt like the whole game was a grind because of this. It is impossible to ever get any money (karma) bc of this. I only ever devoured or recruited bc every time I wanted to release a soul to get karma, I had to recruit the soul instead. I did like the Soul Blazer vibe of freeing people and having the town fill up that way. But it never seemed to really pay off in any way other than more stuff showed up. (I died after making the bridge appear, and I've played the game close to an hour now.) This could be a great title, but it definitely needs some work. Maybe have an item that permanently raises the HP of your teammates? Something. It was just so frustrating struggling to keep them around. Also, not sure if this was said yet or not, but the water that refreshes you should have a sound effect associated with it.

Thanks for playing and giving great feedback on the game! I wasn't sure how the parallax layers were supposed to move so I messed around with it til it "felt" right, but it never really was how I thought it should be, and now I know why! I tried to find ways to break up the staircase speech, and if I had had more time I probably would have shortened the stairs and tried to condense the info a bit. I also just ran out of time. And the part after where it ends would have been more gameplay. But the game isn't really meant to be an RPG or to have a ton of puzzles, more like a choose-your-own-adventure book in video game form. I know I need to work on the tone... I wanted to add a little more humor throughout to break up some of the longer stretches of heavy speech, but I just kind of went with the first draft and that's just how it came out. Eventually I'll rework this into something better. I actually had ideas for all three of the theme words and I'm planning on making a three-in-one game based on that. I gotta finish something else first, but I'll work on this when I need a break from that. Thanks again for the great feedback, it was really helpful! :)

Terrific game, really amazing how much you got finished within the time limit of the game jam. Of course there were some bugs, including a never-ending supply of keys. I also think that door you need the floppy disk for is not very obvious at all. I didn't even realize it was a door or that you could use something there. And of course wandered around all over the place forever. The fighting was a little wonky but not too bad, and the lack of items in the pots was a bit disappointing (I think I found like four or five things total), but overall no big deal since I never got to a point where I was injured enough to really need healing. The story was pretty good, reminded me of Gurran Lagan at first, tho I thought it was kind of obvious what had happened. Also, the timeline was a little confusing. Sometimes it seemed like they went underground a few days ago and other times like it was centuries or something. But it's really impressive the amount of writing including apparently several different endings. Great job!

Would love for you to play my game Welcome to the Resurrection: https://itch.io/jam/igmc-rebirth/rate/1617399

Would love to get feedback on my game Welcome to the Resurrection: https://itch.io/jam/igmc-rebirth/rate/1617399

Awesome game, very fun and the ending was hilarious and perfect (I've only gotten one of the endings so far). Only complaint is that the fighting is kind of easy and dull for awhile since it's generally easier to just spam attack than to charge up the sword and it didn't feel like charging the sword really made that big of a difference (until the end). But that was a minor complaint. Loved the inclusion of pixel-Harold and I laughed for a good minute when I charged up the final sword near him. XD This is definitely top-tier for this game jam.

(1 edit)

Thank you so much! I'm glad you liked it! I tried to design the battle to have a little bit of strategy, but not be too tough to complete since it's a game jam entry, but the story itself will have a few fights in key places. I plan to finish the game at some point (I've already finished one new area and working on more), and the decision at the end of this demo splits the narrative in two, so this fight is definitely important, but maybe making the actual fight optional would be a good idea if the game attracts more of a visual novel/adventure crowd who might want to just skip the fighting entirely.

Oh it's fine. I loved the game. Of course there's gonna be some bugs, it's a game jam entry (and a long one too)! :)

Really enjoyed the game and surprised it's pretty long for a game jam entry. The storyline and atmosphere is very cool. There's some little bugs or glitches but nothing too major (I defeated everything in the basement but the one scientist never gave me anything, there's a few places where things are overhead that should be same as character, things like that). Overall tho, really impressive showing.

The graphics were cool and I liked some of the music tho the one guitar piece got repetitive. Some of the dialogue was funny as well. Pretty short tho and not much to do, unfortunately.

I'm sure at some point I'm going to have to learn how to draw sprites, at least to the point of being able to fix up stuff like that. My next task is going to be figuring out how to make sitting sprites LOL It seems like every game I make I need them, but I eventually just give up bc they look so funky when I try. XD

Thanks for the kind words and suggestions on GIMP. I'll have to keep my eye on the number from now on. But usually the issue is rotating sprites. For some reason, that just makes them look heavily pixilated. I'm going to have to watch some tutorial videos or something, but I kind of did this game in a hurry. It's the first time I tried making such heavy use of GIMP in one of my games.

Guess I'm just not good at puzzle games, then.

Interesting concept. Gotta admit, it was more frustrating for me than fun. Not bad tho. Puzzles were mostly easy but maybe I'm missing something, didn't seem like there was any way to avoid taking damage, so you mostly just quickly do what you have to do and then stand around waiting for your energy to refill. Overall a good game, I just didn't like some of the mechanics.

Thanks for playing!

I found it mostly to be fairly easy, but not that enjoyable. I might have been missing something but my main complaint is having a lot of options that were mostly not useful. Every time I used a scroll, for instance, it did less damage than my attacks, in some cases, no damage at all bc the enemy was strong against that element (but there was no way to tell that). You never get enough money to buy more than one or two healing potions after your first bout of spending, so most of the time, if it was a tough fight, it just came down to RNG and if you died it was just a sprint back to the battle to try again. I really liked the game itself so this aspect was kind of a bummer. But I think with a few tweaks it could be a lot of fun. Here's what I would do: 1) either give the player more HP to start and make enemies able to at least do a point of damage some times or make a mechanic where you can choose to do a heavier attack that leaves you open to counters or a lighter attacker that makes you more defensive; 2) have a way to scan enemies to tell what they're weak against, or just not have them be immune to certain elements; 3) give the player a bit more gold so they can buy the occasional potion; 4) have a method for the player to counter, especially on attacks that miss, and make misses happen way less - this way the fights don't feel like a war of attrition as much. Those are just my thoughts, but I'm sure if you thought about it, you'd find a million other ways to make the battles more engaging. As it is, there's just not enough strategy to them, and the strategy that does exist is hidden behind trial and error.

I think if you'd described the flowers or something it would have made finding the patch of ground a bit more rewarding. As it was, getting a message over and over that says "nothing there" or whatever was more discouraging than anything and didn't seem to add to the game. Make it have meaning. There's nothing wrong with a game that makes the player stop to observe things, but there has to be something to observe. If you say there's nothing there, that's what the player will think. They won't think "oh this is a nice patch of grass."

The storyline was interesting, but hampered by a lot of problems. The writing was not grammatically correct and a bit hard to parse in places. I suspect English isn't your first language, so I won't hold that against you, but it is difficult to get into a game where the focus is on the story when it isn't written very well. The big problem is that the game likes to waste the player's time for no reason. "I should look around before going into the school... ok I looked around and there was nothing." That sort of thing happens too often in the game. There's a lot of wandering around trying to make the story progress that just doesn't really add anything. Some of it could be charming, but the language barrier hurts that (like when you walk around the town and talk to everyone - this could be cute with lots of funny little interactions, but it mostly isn't). Also, the maps are pretty ugly. They feel haphazard and seem like the wrong tiles are used for floors or walls (I think at one point a wall tile is used to to break up rooms as a partition). At any rate, this isn't a bad effort, but falls flat in some key areas. A little more direction and a little less time wasting would have made this more of a joy to play. (For instance, I wandered around inside the school looking for something to light the way, when a simple message of "I should check the shack that dog was guarding" would have sent me in the right direction. You then have the player go back into the school and wander around again, so maybe try to cut back on some of the confusion wherever possible.) 

I liked the premise a lot and some of the custom artwork was very well-done. I felt that the dialogue was a bit stilted and the game was mostly super easy. The elemental magic didn't seem to be all that useful, and I never ran out of power for it or the special attacks, so there wasn't a whole lot of strategy to it. I liked the music a lot. Overall a pretty decent game, but nothing really blew me away.

I've played this game for about an hour now and I really enjoy it. The storyline is interesting and keeps me playing to see where it leads. There is apparently a very intricate system with different level up perks and alignment, etc etc, so pretty impressive for a game jam title. My main problem is the randomness of battles. The main character isn't very tough except when nothing can hit her. Anything that can score a hit can then take away half or more of her HP. So all battles are just hoping for misses. The scrolls are generally useless unless you know the enemy isn't resistant against it, and that's a guessing game. It's not fun to waste an item and a turn using something that just arbitrarily won't work on that enemy. Maybe, eventually, there's more strategy to this game, but so far, it seems that all you can do is hope you have a better AC and thus the attack misses. It's a shame bc I really want to like the whole package, but so far, every battle has just been kind of tedious, and whether I win or not seems up to chance more than anything.

I had forgotten about the movie, having first heard of it and then watched it as a teen due to liking the band White Zombie, so it was a trip when I started researching the origins of zombies and stumbling across the movie again from that. I got the idea for the game from a YouTube video positing that the end of slavery in America didn't really happen until the 1940s when convict leasing was outlawed, and having remembered that originally zombies were tied to Voodoo and slavery, I knew I had to make a game about it.

Thanks for the kind words, and I'm glad you enjoyed the game. I'm still trying to figure out how to resize/skewer in Gimp without getting terrible distortion. XD It took me forever to cobble together the artwork. If you're interested, I plan on continue to work on the game, so I'll be posting updates on my itchio page in the future.

Thanks for playing and reviewing! I'm sure it's going to be too much reading all at once for a lot of people. I think the only thing I really could have done was pared back the dialogue, as a lot of it had some heavy flourishes that made it longer than absolutely necessary. I was kind of going for slow so that the horror would punctuate that, but I think it could feel boring to some or just be too long and drawn out.

Loved the hand-drawn graphics and various UI elements in the game. The story was ok, but I admit I got stuck so I don't know if it gets better as it goes along. Got to the village and found the jewelry, ball and fruit, but after that, couldn't figure out where to go. Overall, I thought it was a really good entry.

It's a side effect of my old age I'm sure. :)