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day 14!

alrightie. Today I did what I planned to-- I added in the intro scenes, an ordering scene, and tweaked a few things. 

I also started looking at and adding in the points/score system, which will allow me to make different endings! It seems simple, and I hope it will be.

My plan is to really work on this tomorrow so that I can submit what I have for people to be able to play, because that would be fun for my other jammers here :)

So what I'd need to finish tomorrow (24 hours left! oh boy!) is adding in the score system for the orders (which I'm limiting for the sake of finishing this version of the game) & writing out 2 corresponding endings, editing/adding on to the book pages / directions, and adding in one more (or two, if time) ordering coffee scene(s). So a bit of coding, a little writing, a bit of art. And then I'll make sure that the game actually runs, and that's what I'll submit!

I hope I can do it in time :E I know that even if I do, the game won't be as elaborate as I want it and so I'll still be working on past the game jam, but it'd be cool to have a simple version finished :) Okay so see you tomorrow!