(spoilers)Not that I'm not glad but it feels shocking that this was for free. I spent the whole night to finish it. I've bought and played many Choice of games/Hosted games stories and this tops a lot of them in quality even if it's on itch.
My favourite characters are both Accolon and Gareth<3 accolon is the sweetest father he's so understanding and caring.
I also couldn't help but love all the characters, even the ones that were supposed to bad, had feelings and reasons of why they are that way. Idk why i tend to become really emotional when it comes to Arthur. His internal conflict and how he always tried.. somehow often made me tear up everytime. I didn't like his abandonment but I understood his shame. I kinda forgave him everytime.
Morgana is complicated. She was caring but was consumed by hatred evident by the lengths she went for revenge. She kinda used her daughter as a tool, still that doesn't change how caring and genuine her love was.
Gawain and Galahad? Love both. I wish there were more interactions with Galahad too:( the story was also really entertaining. Really sorry for the wall of text. Cant wait for next chapter