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Given this track was written live, I'm super impressed! Very cool what you were able to do with a brand new piece of software, too. The synths sound great!

My only advice is, if you are able to back through what you wrote and quantize it, it would make the tracks sound a little cleaner rhythmically-- though I know that might not be possible with this program, so no sweat if not! Still, a really good job :)


I appreciate your advice and it makes complete sense - the audio was recorded as wave files so they resisted the 'correcting' that would have been possible with MIDI programming. This might be a track that I return to in order to learn how to program with composition software. Cheers!    


I'll say this-- if all of these were recorded as wave files, and you actually managed to make it that clean with literally no quantizing, then this is super impressive!!! Yes, there were occasional flaws, but all is forgiven if you didn't have the option to quantize. I can ignore those things and hear what you are trying to communicate loud and clear-- and I loved it.