Nice! Got a score 68 800! Gonna be honest, didn't really know what was happening most of the time xD I was just clicking stuff and sometimes a lot of dice rolled.
🎮 Gameplay:
- I was confused a lot of the time
- Specify what you mean by match 3, is it 3 in a row? Diagonal? Vertical, horizontal, any shape?
- Sometimes with Column dice, it rolls the one under it, sometimes it's over. Row is sometimes left, sometimes right, what determines whether it's left or right, up or down?
🎨 Design:
- Add a bit more movement to the score, took me until like 3/4s into my first game to realize it was there 😅
- Maybe you could indicate score by adding some kind of number when the dice match?
- When dice spawn it's a little jarring, maybe adding a spawn in animation would have been good
Hope this helps! :D