Hey there! Loved this game and managed to beat it on my 3rd attempt!
I have a few points of feedback if you’re interested:
I often felt like I was getting stuck on the corner of the buildings when I tried jumping onto them. I’m not sure if this is because the cat has a square collider, or if there’s a lot of friction being applied, but it felt off. If the cat does have a square collider, maybe try swapping it out for a circle and disabling rotation, on the other hand if it’s because of friction, a lot of game engines have a setting to disable / lower friction.
On my 3rd and final run I was limited by the speed of the screen. I was standing at the right edge just waiting for it to advance. Maybe if the player gets to the right, the screen should move with them so that faster players can complete the game at a faster pace.
It seems the animations play a full cycle of the animation before switching. For example if I’m walking, and I stop, it will finish the walk cycle before sitting. In Unity you can disable this using something like Exit time.
Overall, this was great!