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While it took me a little while to figure out how movement works, it really is such an original mechanic. Your creativity blew me away! In terms of sound design, the slide whistle that plays when I fall off can get annoying at times lol

Thank you, glad you enjoyed it! The mechanic did come out more interesting than I expected, honestly. Unfortunately, as it is, I think it's a little bit *too* complex. If I had more time, I would go with a simplified dice (like, with just 1, 2 and 3), maybe working the way up to a full D6. As it is, I find it too hard to plan more than just a move ahead, really (and to create interesting levels, tbh, which is why there are only 3 "real" (non-"tutorial") levels).

Still, as my first game ever, I'm proud of it. Thanks so much for your comment!