I've finally come around to streaming the game, on Linux no less https://www.twitch.tv/videos/346379788?t=00h28m10s
I really like it so far. The art style reminds me of Toonstruck, the music is nice and the writing is really good.
I've had a few font rendering issues and the 'z' in your font is really hard to recognize.
For narrating it's a bit awkward when the dialog line doesn't quite match what you selected. I think I had a case where it wasn't said at all and a couple cases where it was different or expanded. I don't think it's much of a deal though (except maybe the one case where Maria didn't say anything).
Oh, and I also prefer to read in my own speed, whether narrating or not, so I rather have click-to-advance dialogues than self-running ones. You can see the trouble I had in the intro :]
And that's pretty much all I could think of. I have a vague idea where the story may be going and I'm looking forward to playing more :]