I really really like the concept of this game! I would love a more fleshed out version of this so if you all do ever expand on this let me know!
The games still pretty cool in its current state, but it does seems almost completely random on what you get. It's pretty much either you good get option or bad option (or I suppose neutral option??). But that's all fine! I like the idea that your never going to know what you'll get and it's fun to have random events. One nitpick I do have though is why is there a timer AND a turn limit? This seems completely turned base to me so the timer added a little more pressure to an otherwise really peaceful game. Not a huge deal, just something I noticed. The other thing that would be nice is a way to skip some animations like rolling the dice, though I suppose that might cut down the suspense. I did overall like the presentation of the game.
One bug I did find was that after losing, if I try to roll any dice in the next match they get stuck in the world. I had to refresh the browser to resolve.
Overall though its pretty cool! Would love to see this expanded on!! Good work!!