Here is some feedback as you've asked. I feel things were a bit awkward. there is death everywhere but we need precise movement, with complicated controls. space for jumping is a bit awkward, but Q+mouse for dashing is highly confusing since you need to drop the other movement keys, and suddenly you control with the mouse.
I guess since we choose the direction with the mouse, the mouse is actually being used, but the click (dice) is weird and sudden. its a mostly keyboard game with sudden mouse usage. I feel like either full keyboard control, or more focus on mouse (say, add a crosshair) would help.
Even having read the instructions, the ability controls were confusing. I know the roll has to do with the theme, but again its the conflict of urgency and precision.
Overall, I think there was too much at once. better pacing, such that things are easy at first with no treats and things get harder as the players gets a better grasp on controls would be great! Right now its a bit overwhelming (or maybe I am bad at platformers). Nonetheless, its a game that works and looks good, just a bit hard. Good job!