Hey. A couple of things:
- I am a Unity user too and it seems like you build the game in a development build. If you did so because the game would not run otherwise on the Unity Editor try going to Edit -> Project Settings -> Player -> Publishing settings -> Compression format -> Disabled. Now you shouldn't have to build the game in a development build.
- I wish I'd be able to aim directly where I want to go because right now I throw myself in the opposite direction of where my cursor is pointing at.
- Like LlamaDev mentioned, throwing yourself into enemies' attacks to kill them is quite clever and the game is also very juicy and pretty.
- I wish I'd be able to play another run after losing without having to restart the page.
- It's cool that you had music layers that build as the player progress, but having some kind of transition, especially at the start of wave 6 would have been nice IMO.
- Lastly, maybe 16 waves is a but much for a game jam game?