I'm a sucker for Zach-like games and I enjoy optimizing the heck out of them even when I'm really bad at it. I dig this concept quite a lot and I would like to see it expanded upon, such as more tools/mathematical operations, heck, maybe different die types (D4, D8, etc...) could be involved. Imagine the optimization complexity this could lead to!
One thing I would've liked though is for the input/output to be more visually distinct, I've laid out the conveyors multiple times in levels only to realize I've done them in reverse (mainly because I subconsciously assumed things would move left-to-right).
Another major issue I've noticed is that dice sometimes get stuck for no reason when they should be moving. I can't always replicate it because it happens at random and is very inconsistent. It was most evident in the finale so I had to wait a lot most of my die couldn't move across the pipeline.
I took an image of a time my dide got stuck, the two snake-eyes die on the upper layer of the conveyor belts never moved, but the ones that reach the far right side do. Keep in mind that this was very inconsistent, and the places they get stuck at were different each time I reset the simulation, so I don't think I missed something in the ruleset?
I don't want to sound like I'm only complaining, I just really enjoyed the concept and I would really love to see more stuff done with it. Amazing job. <3