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Wow! This is very impressive! It reminds me of ‘English Country Tune’ in a good way. The concept is at once easy to grasp, yet creative, and it’s executed on (and presented) flawlessly. ( Well, the word ‘Theme’ is cut off on the ending screen with the 6x9-pips dice, at least in the online version :-p but I point that out just to show how small the only issue I found with it is.)

It does rely on awareness of the fact that dice’s opposing sides always add up to 7 (and one more than the maximum for most non 6 sided dice as well – though only 6-siders are used in game). This doesn’t seem to be indicated anywhere … fortunately, the fix for that is easy, just add it to the game-page!


Hi, thanks for the kind words!

Actually, that was one of the really hard design decisions. I originally designed the levels so that the opposing sides had to add to 7, but in the end I relaxed the requirement as I thought it would be too hard to explain. So you can arrange the faces in whatever way you want.

In retrospect, I should probably just have given an award/achievement if all your dice were correct, and a challenge prompt if you completed with slightly weird layouts.

(1 edit) (+2)

I had no idea about opposite sides adding up to 7, or that you could arrange them however you want in the game. I just looked at the piled-up dice and replicated their arrangement. I think having a special achievement for the correct layouts is a great idea.