Hello Collin, thank you for playing SEIN!
Regarding your struggles, the time i could spend working on this game was rather limited, and some of the features that perhaps you deem important, were left for a future development of the game. Please keep in mind this is just a prototype. Battlewise, the vision of this game is to implement classic rpg-like battle system, with the original feature of characters mixing their feelings to develop new strategies and abilities. The descriptions are there for the players to deduce what they do, which can be a little tricky. Skills will be properly explained in the future!
SPOILERS: As for the riddle, you have all the elements to deduce it in the altar next to the chest. It’s christian symbology, where on the “holy trinity” is divided on -son, father, holy spirit- and they ressemble body, mind, and soul.
The concept of god is introduced in the game early on when refering to the ‘father’ who sent the angels to earth. The story of the demo is quite short, but this entity will play a mayor role in the future of the game.
As for the kid’s knowledge on god, the Grotto, the place where they live in, is an abandoned holy place, full with religious books that the kids read and understand only to a certain extent. This is tied to the mysterious beast called “Prometheus of the depths” and why is it sealed in there.
I hope my feedback was of any help!