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This game seems really cool and I really enjoyed messing around in it!! However, I do feel like there needs to be a tutorial or something because I couldn't for the life of me figure out how to upgrade my car. But the game looks amazing and is clearly very polished!


Thanks for the feedback. Yeah, the tutorial can surly be improved. Maybe with a bit more time.

You can upgrade your car in the menu (between runs). There are car parts on the right. Those need to be found during a run (in the form of blueprints) and need to be crafted later. :)

~ Linus


Oh okay thank you!! I replayed it with this new knowledge and updated my score. It was a lot of fun feeling my car improve over time, nad it made me appreciate the design choices even more. I will say I think the per-run timer should be shorter, as most people only play a jam game for around 2-5 minutes and would probably like to be a few more runs in before they make their judgment. Overall though, quite fun and clearly a lot of dedication was put into this game!

Thanks for trying it out again! <3
And thanks for all the nice words. :)