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A member registered Apr 23, 2017 · View creator page →

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Really well made! Even though this wasn't a horror game, I still felt uneasy crawling through the text and I think the writing really captured that discomfort. The format aided the non-linear storytelling really well, and left me with the feeling that I was only seeing this setting from a really narrow angle. I'm really curious how you made the photos in the Gallery! And excited to check out your other works :]


       /  oo          















Praise be the worm!

Came back to replay and CONGRATS on getting such a high rating!!!!! Hope you can come back next year :] Such a cool game

Same here! I wanted to play it but it says the download is unavailable :[

This game is really cute!! It's very impressive for your first ever game. I think there are some really good ideas in here, especially your roles literally reversing halfway through when you get to play as the knight. I thought their grappling mechanic was cool but I ended up getting stuck in a wall and had to quit 😭. This game really reminded me of How To Raise A Dragon, a Flash (RIP) game I adored in my childhood. Especially the stages in that game where you're the adolescent dragon in a castle and when you get to play as the hero. If you can find a way to play that game I really recommend trying it, I think you'd really like it!! You should definitely keep making games, I'd love to see what you come up with for GMTK 2024.

This game is really clever!! The puzzles are well designed and felt like a smooth increase in difficulty from level-to-level. I was especially impressed with the amount of levels you were able to create in the short time frame. I played it all the way through and had a great time. I like the voxel art style, but on presentation I do think a little work could be done to make the game feel more responsive (sound, animation, visual effects). Overall, great stuff, hope more people get to play this!

This is a really solid concept! I played it all the way through, and I thought the puzzles (especially the ones with moving walls) all had an interesting main idea and were tutorialized well. I do think it needs a bit of tweaking however to feel more challenging; I never lost a level. Overall, solid design though, and I'd love to see more games from this team in future jams!

This game is so much fun! It's extremely engaging, and I felt like I was constantly making moment-to-moment decisions to save my feathers while the difficulty progressively ramped up. The core gameplay loop is soooo solid, and I think the carnival aesthetic and music are so cute and well done. Really great stuff, would love to see more from this team.

Also... JBrosDev, I think you participated in the most recent Bear Jams which I hosted!!! Such a fun coincidence running into your game here :D So glad to know you're still making stuff.

This game has so much charm!! I love the meta narrative because I think we all went through this exact experience while making our games, and it's funny to imagine you guys struggling to fix bugs while making a game about a struggle to fix bugs. I thought the mechanics were smart but could have been given more time to show off their interactivity with each other, as each section sort of felt like I was using one ability at a time. It's clear you guys had a great time making this and I had a lot of fun playing!

This is so addicting! Such a simple concept but really well refined, I like how the AI is balanced to be juke-able but they're not extremely easy to trick either.

This is brilliant! The core concept is incredibly solid and clever, and the game teaches itself really well. The puzzles are designed nicely and the amount alone is astonishing for a jam. I had a lot of fun playing this all the way through and even did a few of the bonus levels. My only issue is that sometimes it felt a little inconsistent; I felt like I would do the same thing on two runs and get different results, which might just be due to slight changes in the speed of my mouse movement. Overall though, really well designed with great presentation, would love to see more eyes on this game.

As a long time sufferer of Peggle FEVER I had a great time with this game and played it all the way through!! It's clear the developers love Peggle and the game is an excellent emulation of the game mechanics with an interesting twist, plus the animals were cute. I got legitimately jumpscared when you swapped the "awww" sound of missing an orange peg with the screams of the damned but it was very funny. I do think it could do a little more to distinguish itself from the original, but I'm not gonna lie I still had a ton of fun!

Loved this poki! The low-fi monocolor graphics really work for what you're going for, and the puzzles were really well thought out. I thought it was a good difficulty and I never felt too frustrated.

This game is OVERFLOWING with charm and creativity! Amazing concept refined down to a shiny finish, really simple but quite a lot of fun. I think it could do with being a little more challenging (faster timer?) but on the other hand, I like that you're never forced to replay a puzzle. Wouldn't be surprised to see you in Mark's video again this year~

Fantastic presentation! This game screams professionalism in its art and UI, and I love that you were able to make a save system and like 8 alternate palettes in the short time span.

Amazing character design! I imagine you will get a lot of clicks alone from people wanting to check out these cool characters, so really well done there. The game itself looks great although I wish there was more motion. The card game was fun and engaging and I got all the way to the end, but I sort of wish the cards had more unique effects rather than just "Deal 8 damage" "Gain 8 shield". Overall though, really solid game, and I think more people should check this out.

Really cute game, and I liked the core concept! The thumbnail might be my favorite in the entire jam haha, I love Cathulu with all of my heart. The camera made me a little dizzy though.

Thank you so much for the kind words! Yeah, the background isn't supposed to be like that haha, but there's a bug where it gets faster and faster the more you play X_X. This causes the extremely dizzying effect so make sure to take breaks and rest your eyes lol

Holy hell! So cool to see another chess game in this jam. The art style and tone really reminded me of early 2000s flash games which was fun. I like how you built on the basic gameplay loop with interesting enemies, and it was cool to see how you interpreted their movement into this non-gridded gameplay. Very fun stuff.

Extremely cool concept and execution!! This game shows solid design proficiency, and despite being point-and-click it feels very responsive and the simple art style works wonders. It was very fun to design little ships to thwart the enemy defenses. My only issue -- it's too hard! I don't feel as if I ever developed a good grasp of what "shapes" worked best against what defenses, and as such the trial and error was pretty grueling, so you might want to ease into that difficulty curve a little more. Other than that though, this game is seriously cool and I'd love to see it get more attention!

Fun game, and very solid concept! The core loop of kiting the players into a large pile, then dashing through them was very satisfying, and the addition of ranged enemies and powerups helped keep things fresh. I think the game does need to communicate the effect of the powerups a little better though, because even though I read the description it was hard to feel how much they shifted the gameplay. Overall though very cool, and it fits the theme extremely well.

give me mod perms pls

This game is beaming with creativity and originality!! This game is legitimately very funny which is hard to pull off in a game jam, SOLID writing! Even in the short time you have with the characters it's clear they have separate, individual personalities. The functionality really sells itself as a sleek Discord-like application, and it is fun to interact with. And the playlist was a very smart way to handle having multiple music tracks! By the way the OST was INSANE please play Minisoda at my FUNERAL

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Sorry, the theme was announced at the reveal stream and Discord but we forgot to update it on the itch page. I doubt you're starting now but for reference the theme was "Change of Plans".

i thought it was loading and i was just following the watch for fun and then i accidentally won the game LMAO, very intuitive gameplay !!

yeah the pyramid/torus scene is a special case that doesn't influence progression at all, basically a dead end. it's a lil confusing but i kept it that way because i think the scene is rather funny! glad you enjoyed the game :))

This game is really stylish and unique! I really enjoyed the lateral thinking of figuring out the word from the hints and word parts, but I found it way too hard to figure out how to put the words together without an undo button or a way to see all the sides of the die. Overall though, really cool game, and I'd love to see what you do with it post-jam.

These are really good ideas!! Especially the dice juggling. I definitely wanted to add more enemy/obstacle types but unfortunately I hella overscoped the upgrades and couldn't budget enough time. Nonetheless, I'm glad you enjoyed it, and yeah Learn to Fly was a huge inspiration!!

The character designs are amazing!! I love the art in general, the game felt very cute and comfortable and it kept me playing a while. I do wish the game was paced for like ~5 minutes rather than 15, or at least a little easier, because I kept trying to get to the later waves but I'm so bad that I kept dying 😭. I also think the actions could do with a bit more visual feedback, I was always hoping for the Explosion spell because it just looks so cool and knocks all the enemies back. Otherwise though, the music is great, the enemy designs are awesome, the game is very charming and a solid top-down shooter!!

Hey, another game about rolling your dice down a dice tower and manipulating the result!! I mean, our games are very different but in my mind they are now sisters hehe.

I really enjoyed this!! The game is so charming, with high quality assets and a very cute falling animation. I love how the gameplay frantically switches between trying to hit the green obstacles and trying to avoid obstacles altogether once you get a good roll. All around great stuff.

My favorite game of the jam so far!! A really simple concept executed quite perfectly, this game feels so polished and really hooked into my brain, I wanted to try it on every difficulty level! Excellent work.

This game is really charming, clever, and creative!! I was very enthralled by the main mechanic and it was really fun to see you keep doing more and more unique things expanding on it. You clearly have a great grasp on level design. Looking forward to seeing more from you in the future!!

This was really cool!! The aesthetic is amazing and it feels really polished, I only wish it was a bit easier haha! Otherwise no criticism, I could totally see this game making Top Marks!!

The gameplay in this is so unique!!! I really enjoyed the way the different character's abilities played off each other, and the extra challenge of positioning.

This game is really cool and cute!! I feel like this is the best way to do a singleplayer Super Auto Pets style game, making it a big boss fight!!

THIS GAME IS SO CHARMING!!!!! I loved the aesthetic you built, it really reminded me of Joel G's ENA series. The Illithid's dialogue upped the game to an EDUCATION EXPERIENCE Too which is just lovely. I only wish dying didn't send you all the way back to the beginning!

i'm in love with the art!!!

I'm glad you enjoyed the game :)) Yes, the crit dice were supposed to have momentum to correct that, but for some reason it didn't work out :[[ Thank you for your feedback!!

The sex dice concept scared the absolute heck out of me LOL but your game is actually really funny, and I like how the sexuality is only implied if you've heard of that type of dice. Although do they really say BITE on them 😬!!!! Anyways the actual gameplay was very fun, I loved the little enemy designs and all the weapons felt very different!

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This game is really really cool!!! Was probably the longest I've spent playing a jam game thus far and it was just generally a great time. One criticism is that I wish the game was just a liiiiiittle bit more responsive, you do a great job of it already but I feel like it would feel a lot cooler if numbers greater than 6 were BIG, LOUD, AND COLORFUL and if some sort of effect went off during the 3-in-a-row activation. Overall, extremely cool game and I bet you'll make Top Marks!

This game is really cool!! I'm a big TTRPG fan so I loved the theming and aesthetic, and it was really cool that I could go around the whole table, on and off the battlemap. I wish it was a little more challenging, maybe with a faster/projectile enemy or something. Overall though, very fun and cute and I enjoyed disrupting this little DND session!!