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What an interesting idea! Your game functions well and feels well put together. I found it to be challenging and fun to try to stop on the indicated section. Your physics also work well.

How was the jam? Did you enjoy yourselves?

Thanks for the comment! Yeah, we both had a ton of fun putting this together. We both went to school for game development and have been looking for a way to stretch our development muscles again, figured this jam was a good way to go about it. This was the first jam either of us had done and I have to say, for me at least, I will definitely be doing something like this again!


I love hearing that! Always happy to see someone doing what they love and enjoy. Especially love that you'll keep jamming!


Thanks for the comment and appreciate the kind words.  It was a good jam, though ran into a few hiccups since I contracted an illness right as it started that I had to suffer through whilst developing. What can yah do lol. Look forward to participating in more jams in the future!

Oh my gosh, you trooper! You did a great job! Keep jamming!