They all show up identically in terms of what is shown. You can see the raster effect in modes 1 and 2 also. The screen has garbage in the top left, black for most of it, and blinks dark red. In the bottom right, a separate rectangle is 'offset' blinking the rest of the red/black flickering, faster than the rest of the screen.
I tried to access the other modes by hitting the correct keycombination blindly to get to mode 3, but as I said, the graphics don't change, it just renders the same weirdness. The music and controls are full speed with no lag.
The Fuji is running win7 with 1GB RAM. It has rudementary support for OpenGL 2.0 and I believe it's running DX10 or 11.
I hope this helps. I'm not especially worried or sad if you decide to not support this configuration, I know it's old and archaic and was, even in it's time, a bizarre system.