Thank you, I didn't make most of the art/sound/music so I have to thank the amazing artists who did for that (Sources are linked in the game description ). I did spent a lot of time trying to find the right art/sound and fit them all together though so I'm happy you think they fit.
I experimented with having a sort of view into the box, so you could see the four connecting faces (distorted to make it appear 3d). You can kind of see them if you look at the edges of the screen. But you might notice that sometimes the edges don't line up right (there was an issue with getting the right camera orientation which I still have to sort out). I also still haven't figured how to distort the faces to make it appear 3d but I plan to sort those issues out.
Aside from that I was also thinking on making each of the faces more distinct looking (maybe including the number/pips into the art/design?) and/or including a mini-map like thing which just shows you, the exit location and the numbers of the dice faces (w/ their orientation).