A pretty unique idea. Just found it hard to see how many bullets I had left. It's probably just me being dumb, though. There must have been a marker or something that I was blind to. Also didn't like waiting for minutes whenever I rolled a 6 just for enemies to spawn. All in all, it's a very cool idea that I feel would make a good game with some enemy and level variation :D (ooh, and a multi-shot attack, that would be so cool).
I like how it can be advantageous to actually run out of bullets on purpose, so you get the slow-mo boost and a new dice roll. It adds a new layer of depth to the basic idea of ammo, which I love. The pixel art is also lovely, I love how serious the enemies look compared to the colourful main character! The name fits the game, and you can play for as long as you like.
All in all, a really well made game for something done in just 48 hours :D
wow that's the longest review I've done for a jam game