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Spruce Studios

A member registered Nov 03, 2021 · View creator page →

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Huh, weird. Maybe it was something to do with the level's hitbox. I'll take a look at it, thanks so much for letting me know :)

Glad you enjoyed it! What hitboxes did you have trouble with?

I loved it! The puzzles were very well designed and the perfect difficulty, and the mechanics were on point. I only wish there were more control options like WASD and the up arrow/W to jump, but I got used to using Z very quickly. Great game!

I loved it! The puzzles are very tricky, the art is on point, and the name is super clever :D

Nice job! Super happy you had fun :D (Longsword is my favourite, too)

I'm glad you liked it :D Thanks for the incredibly nice comment.

Glad you enjoyed it!

I loved it! The gameplay is fast paced an always keeps me on my toes. The game loop is also extremely well balanced. There's always something I can upgrade when I get back to my ship, and the multitasking between fighting mini eyeballs, mining asteroids, and fighting the big eyeball is great fun.

Glad you enjoyed :D

It's interesting what people use as their main strategy, because everyone chooses something different! I haven't heard of anyone using the sword yet, but I'll give it a go next time I play. I'm super glad you enjoyed the game :D

Thanks! Glad you had fun :D

Glad you enjoyed it, and thanks for the review :D

Yeah - you do tonnes less damage while small. It's interesting seeing how different people play the game, though! Some people go with a medium/big combo, some people do medium/small, and some use all three. There is an exit, and it's usually not too far from the boss room. Sorry if you couldn't find it! Glad you enjoyed the game :D

I loved this game! And maybe I'm biased, because I also made a roguelike, but I think this is a super cool idea. Well done!

Fair enough! Thanks for your ideas. I'll remember them when I'm making the post-jam version :D

Glad you enjoyed :D

Thanks so much! I'm glad you had fun :D

Are you sure it doesn't fit the theme? Your player can change size! I'm super glad you enjoyed it, and there'll be a post-jam version with lots more content, too. Thank you so much :D

Glad you enjoyed!

Quite a short game, but an awesome concept! It's super fun when you get perfectly aimed and timed shots.

The voice, the "nums" when you feed him, and the swift gameplay, it all sells the experience. Top notch!

This game is so goofy and silly, you just have to love it.

Sorry if you found it challenging! It's supposed to be a tricky game. Floor 1 is a little less punishing. I'm glad you loved the artwork, I'm super happy with it :D

The boss has 70 health, and it's easier to kill if you explore the dungeon before taking it on straight away :) Adding lots of content was tricky with a time limit, so I only made 4 basic enemies and a few room variants. Scaling up and down can be super helpful if you can do it right, especially in the boss area. I'm glad you gave the game a shot, though. Thank you for your feedback!

Yep, there are three ways to gain health :D fountains will restore your HP fully, the health upgrade will give you an extra heart, and healing herbs from shops will remove any damage you've taken previously. The game's meant to be a bit tricky, but I'm glad you had fun playing it, all the same :)

Haha, it's intended to be hard :D Fountains will restore your health completely, as will healing herbs from shops. Glad you enjoyed :D

Scaling up and down is super useful! You deal much more damage when you're big, and can dash much more when you're small (good for late-game areas). I'm really glad you enjoyed the game, and I'm super happy with the artwork, too :D

Super glad you enjoyed!

I had a tonne of fun playing this! The artwork is amazing and the levels are well designed. Not to mention it's super fun speeding around as a massive frog.

Aah, thank you :D I'm super happy with the art style for this project, and I'm glad you enjoyed the gameplay.

I love the cute pixel art style you've used, as well as the funky music. Making the source code available is a thoughtful touch, too :) As for the gameplay, it's super speedy! I can imagine this game would be tonnes of fun to play as quickly as possible.

Haha yeah - that was going to be the next thing I added, but I ran out of time! Glad you enjoyed the game, though :D

I think you're the first person who noticed that :) Glad you enjoyed the game!

Good tips about the skeletons and orbs. I'm glad you enjoyed the game, as well! If I ever make an updated version I'll use your advice. Thank you so much :D

Thank you! This was my first time trying out this art style and I'm super happy with it. Glad you enjoyed :)

Yes, it's definitely tricky! Remember your dashes, remember your scaling, and remember not to take on the boss straight away. You'll get the hang of it :D

Grappling hook games are always my favourites :D

I love it! It's super polished and replayable. Made in 48 hours is impressive, too :)

Haha, no, I noticed that after posting it :D Good luck!

I don't normally enjoy physics based games, but this one's a bunch of fun. I like the different weapons you get to experiment with, and the different attack patterns the aliens have in each level. Wonderful interpretation of the theme, as well!