Finally, someone made a game without the word "dice" in the title.
I didn't play the game for long; I'd say I played it for about ten minutes before quitting. By that point, I felt that I had seen everything I needed to see. I'm assuming all you're doing is collecting materials and surviving the night from just one enemy type.
I think my main problem with the game is that it is just severely unpolished. It's neat that you have a story and the art for the title screen looks very nice. Seriously, I wish I had a title screen like that for my game. The music is decent for a horror game like this too. The thing though is that everything else is lacking. The die mechanic which changes the difficulty did not strike me as impressive; I was assuming all it did was change the number of enemies that spawned.
I am not really sure in which direction you can take this game. All what you're doing is surviving the night from some magnet AI. (Then again, my game has some magnet AI too so I probably shouldn't complain too much.) I would say add more enemies, more creepy sound effects, more hazards, and fix the jagged edges of the map.