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Good Job its a very nice game with a great colour pallet and art style, but how do I go through the door? 


Oh boy, i knew this would happen ( That's what happens when you almost don't finish your game in time : P)

First, thank you, i really enjoyed doing the art for the game, even if it was really simple style, and  i'm happy you liked it  : )

Now, if you look at the description, there are some game controls in there, one to show the dices, and another to roll the dices, and in the game you can se that there is a shiny thing in the room, if you interact with it, it will tell you something that has to do with them. After you do this, just use "Z" to interact with the door.

Sorry for the hard time with the game, i was a little too ambitious with this one, and basically wasn't able to flesh out the mechanics and story for the game(It was a simple story, but i wasn't able to do it anyway) for now it's just a mechanic, the dices to change to other rooms, but i liked this idea, so maybe i'll use it in some other project.

Anyway, thank you for trying the game, have a great day!


Thank you very much. You can still change the description while it is submitted so you still can do whatever you want.