Take my 250k and leave me alone, that's just too addictive.
Jokes aside, a solid entry! A lot of little things done right for a bullet hell - different abilities, gradual difficulty increase, the hitboxes are forgiving, and I never had a single enemy spawned directly in me. My main complains are that the UI is way too far for a bullet hell game - being constantly focused on evading the enemies leaves me completely in the dark about my current health and abilities count/cooldowns. Also, the cleavers sadly disappear from a smallest collision with the wall, and since they're bigger than the player I never can use them standing near one. I wish they had no collision at all, or at least had an invulnerability period in the beginning. Also, it took me some time to even realize that tables and chairs have no collisions at all.
Still, great job! Really addictive, the point system is great, pickups always give you something to do, the sound and general presentation is on a level. Loved it!