Tbh, I have no clue what I'm supposed to be doing.
According to the tutorial (which cannot spell ingredients correctly for some reason) I'm supposed to build a deck of both meal and ingredient cards and then do battle against the meal cards of my opponent. It's unclear which cards are my deck and which are the talon. I don't know how to start the battle phase.
Maybe I'm just dumb, but also, the tutorial could have really helped here, by using examples and by letting us play a tutorial level where I get walked through the game.
The gameplay screen should have labels and hints, and cards should not be partially hidden behind each other or in a scroll-down window.
The graphics are ok, I like that you created your own pixel art for the cards, but I would have liked the main menu to feature the same art style instead of a stock photo.
Sound would be appreciated.
This game feels like a lot of effort went into it and someone probably spent a lot of time trying to invent a new card game and balancing it, but in the current iteration it's really hard to learn and that effort goes to waste.
Thanks for participating. I hope you'll improve the onboarding experience of this game, and I hope that we'll see you again next year with the skills you've learned this weekend.