Hello there, I have just tried the game. :)
Although rough, it looks neat and working. I am sure you could have made it richer with more time, so I am taking into account that you created it in 12 hours. ;)
Some comments:
- On the title screen, there is ‘theh’ instead of ‘the’ and ‘sidewith’ instead of ‘side with’. Nothing serious, but I am a bit OCD. XD
- Once again, a QWERTY-only game: my AZERTY fingers will not survive! XD Just to let you know (this can be really useful), there are generally simple ways of programming so that the physical locations of the keys are taken into account instead of their symbolic values. I am not aware of how Unity does that, but it is most probably possible (possibly below at C# level).
- You can retreat and come back, continuously, until you get more favourable die statistics.
I would suggest applying either a probability of success for retreating, or letting the enemy attack once when you retreat. - Does XP serve a purpose for the moment? And what about the trophy icon?
- I notice that the enemy seems not to attack while the player is healing; this makes battles very easy. I guess you should get attacked even when healing.
- When the die reaches the minimum threshold, ‘Dice value too’ is displayed; I think the word ‘low’ might be either hidden because of a carriage return or plainly missing.
- More importantly: I think the way you handled the theme is too classic for my taste: you added a randomness multiplicative factor to how combat is handled, which does work, but I see it as a little tweaking that lets the main concept intact rather than as a central twist that would totally enshroud the game. It looks like many contestants also thought adding some randomness might do the trick, but I feel more is needed. That is my opinion on the importance of the theme, though, someone else may differ.
- I did not go out of my way to defeat all enemies once I have seen some battles and how they work, but could you tell me whether something special happens once all are defeated? I am curious. :)
Of course, the game is rather coarse as you mention yourself, since you had so little time. Still, the main mechanics are here; it’s just that it lacks being expanded into something more personal. My main criticism is thus not that it is technically very prototypical (and actually, you made a good job having a working game), but rather that the underlying concept lacks originality. And also, that some game mechanics have to be sorted out.
On a side note, a little musing: the dry statistics-based interface reminds me of a spoofy game called Generic JRPG from the 2012 French contest Make Something Horrible; it’s not that your game is bad, it’s rather that it has me thinking that you have the main mechanics of ARPG / JRPG while those more polished titles essentially hide that they do little more. XD
Thank you for your contribution! I do not know if you intend to enhance it in the future.