A very unique concept for the theme I will say, a bit slow in the gameplay moment to moment but there's some interesting enemy variety. As well as a bit of intreresting strategy to when to pickup your dice depending on what side is facing up.
Though I will say on the moment to moment issue, it does take awhile for the wheel to fully spin around and there's no way to "lock" it. which means a lot of the gameplay for me was spent just waiting for the wheel to spin to the one I needed and either waiting outside aggro range or running around like mad.
I feel like some way to speed up or slow down the rotation of dice could help with that, or possibly increase the default speed and add a way to "lock" it onto a specific dice. Maybe a charge attack to make it launch farther etc.? Just something to make it a little easier to have the dice you want and keep the flow of the game going more.
Otherwise though, an interesting concept that with a bit of polish could be a nice dungeon crawler setup with some decent layouts and enemy designs for sure.