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Blood Moon DicingView game page

Blood Moon. Skybase Delta is being overrun by monsters. Repel them with the Dice of Fate.
Submitted by Roughnight (@CptnRoughnight) — 1 hour, 3 minutes before the deadline
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Ranked from 18 ratings. Score is adjusted from raw score by the median number of ratings per game in the jam.

How does your game fit the theme?
You got a magic ring of dice and throw them at your enemys.

Did your team create the vast majority of the art during the 48 hours?


We used pre-existing art

Did your team create the vast majority of the music during the 48 hours?


We used pre-existing audio

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It's a really interesting concept, but I feel like it's heavily mired by technical issues and strange gameplay choices. Some technical things I noticed included the lack of a pause menu (ESC closing the game is more annoying than it doing nothing when trying to pause), the collision for picking the dice back up is weird, the numbers on the enemies heads should really be billboards (i.e. always face the camera), and the rotating dice and camera don't move in tandem (it caused the dice to stutter on my high refresh-rate monitor). Gameplay wise, I am always a sucker for having to pick your ammo back up, so I liked that. However, the combination of only being able to shoot dice by a timer and having to hit enemies with an exact value made for an annoying combination. I think one of them alone would have made for a good mechanic. As it is, so much of the game is just throwing dice against a wall to try to get the number you need, and then once you get it, waiting for it to come back around to be able to fire it. It's neat in concept, but I think it would have worked better if it were cut back a little (eg. having all die values work on all enemies, just different damage amounts; or being able to shoot each die value on-demand).


Thank you for your review, I have transferred  the points into my todo list!


This looked gorgeous, but the gameplay felt a bit unresponsive for my taste. Sometimes I could shoot the dice and other times I couldn't, and it was never super clear to me whether or not my attacks would do damage even if they did hit an enemy. When the damage did happen it was really cool, but I'm not sure I understood why it was happening. Improving player feedback would definitely go a long way here, because the underlying game seemed pretty solid. Nice work!


Thanks, yes I'm reworking the whole game right now.


Damn, super fun looks! I think your presentation is really well done with the fog, post processing and general aesthetic. Well done! The little 2D-sprites fit better than i would have expected and the lil death animations work nicely too.

Well done!


Interesting concept! One suggestion would be to have some form of indicator when the right number dice is ready or when the correct dice hits the enemy to provide stronger feedback that the player did the right thing!


Thank you! Yes, I collected a huge amount of feedback on my Todo list! Yours will be added! :)


Nice game! The gameplay is nice and the 2D sprites in a 3D space thing work well! The actual combat was a bit weird to me, though, and I couldn't really figure out how to kill enemies consistently. The physical dice were a cool touch and it forced me to constantly move around to pick them up. Overall, it was a pretty fun experience. Good work!


Wow ! And you made it alone ? 

Very nice idea. I like to have to pay attention to ennemies while looking at their number and my wheel to try kill them. It is in fact a multi-tasks game where both task are really well linked together, and the timer is the ennemies trying to kill you ! Of course it is more a prototype than a full game (there is a bit lack of dynamism), but still really enjoyable. Next improvements could be to have more controls on the wheel. Just some idea on top of my mind: when not moving, the wheel could turn quicker, to strengthen even more the link between both tasks, or jumping could roll the next dice of the wheel.

By the way, it was really funny to find myself launching dice on a wall to get the face I need while ennemies were trying to kill me. A kinda weird scene that made me laught. 

The universe (sound, design, ennemies,...) make sense and it is not easy in a game jam !

Well done, and thank you for the game !


Thank you for the feedback, the list of ideas and bugs is growing fast :D

I coded the game, graphics, music and most of the sounds are from several asset packs. I also voiced the boss, but nobody has gotten so far.


I've tried again to try to reach the boss, but I've failed :p Perhaps another time.

Yes, but even with assets, it can take time to find and choose the right ones, and put them together. So I wanted to highlight it :-)


A very unique concept for the theme I will say, a bit slow in the gameplay moment to moment but there's some interesting enemy variety.  As well as a bit of intreresting strategy to when to pickup your dice depending on what side is facing up. 

Though I will say on the moment to moment issue, it does take awhile for the wheel to fully spin around and there's no way to "lock" it.  which means a lot of the gameplay for me was spent just waiting for the wheel to spin to the one I needed and either waiting outside aggro range or running around like mad.

I feel like some way to speed up or slow down the rotation of dice could help with that, or possibly increase the default speed and add a way to "lock" it onto a specific dice.  Maybe a charge attack to make it launch farther etc.?  Just something to make it a little easier to have the dice you want and keep the flow of the game going more.

Otherwise though, an interesting concept that with a bit of polish could be a nice dungeon crawler setup with some decent layouts and enemy designs for sure.


i liked vibe


Love the graphics, I love pixelated FirstPerson games, but this is a FPDS (First person dice shooter) There is some space for improvement so that the game is not as frustrating to never hit the number you need, but got to level 4 and left with 3 beholders that flanked me (on medium) It was quite fun and the music really good!


Thank you! Yeah, it was inspired of your work, gotta be honest :) And jupp, there are aspects I have to rework!


Good game. It's fun when there are lots of enemies and you have to use the right dice to attack the enemy. But it's annoying when there's only one enemy left and I dont have the right number. I just keep throwing and picking them up, trying to find one that works. But overall it feels good.


Thank you, yeah there is room for improvement! :)


Interresting game,

it's a little bit buggy, some monster refused to die (one stayed at 22 no matter what I throwed on him)

But cool wibe nonetheless


yeah, for the gamejam it was a huge project, and i plan to iron out the bugs and quirks after the jam!


Nice game, satisfying controls, overall a good experience.


I can't downloud it


I don't know? Some issue with itch? Aarimous downloaded and played on stream...  pls wait a couple of minutes and try again, maybe...


The browser deemed it to dangourus to downloud so now i cant downloud it


I'll check


Just click on more info or something like that on the download/exe pop-up it safe


Thank you! Yeah, I should zip the projects before uploading, totally my fault! Sry!


Nice, super awesome idea although I think the actually game play just doesn't feel all that good.