You have come up with an intriguing game storyline, and I liked the chamber orchestra feeling of this soundtrack. I felt like I could have used a bit more variation in some areas, particularly the bass part. I'm not familiar enough with classical/baroque music to know if it is historically common to repeat the bass notes in that fashion, but I will say that it was more interesting for me as a listener during the parts when the bass staff was doing a little more to complement or "follow" the other sections, while also not necessarily mirroring them exactly. For example, I liked the complexity of some passages of "die reise der däemonenprinzessin 3," and I understand why you chose to make some solo runs there, but it also would have been nice to see the different sections maintain their complexity when paired again.
Also, even with the chord progressions, there were only a few places where I felt like the music was "carrying" me, if that makes sense. I think something to strive for is to give the listener a hint that the music is "going" somewhere (I struggle with this, myself). I liked the transition that happened around the 3:00 minute mark in "die reise der däemonenprinzessin," and that's a good example of telling a story with the music using a tonal/emotional shift.
Overall, I think you have a lot to be proud of here! Keep at it!