Hi. This game looks really fun but I have some problems running it on Windows 10.
- I wanted to try it and the game modes do not really explain how they work. I figured "target practice" sounds like something which should run in single player. I tried it and then...
- When I try starting a game the program just crashes without any error message. It happens right after the coundown. I tried it with and without the fullscreen mode on.
- Another problem I noticed - the game does not scale properly on my 1920x1080 screen. Until I switch full screen on - in the options menu I can only see a part of the connected device list. More then half of this box overflows the screen.
- I own crappy esperanza controllers. They are detected and seem to work (in the menus, because the game crashes) but I need to use the arrow keys to "move" between the options. The joystick remains inactive.