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A member registered Jun 10, 2020 · View creator page →

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I spent a couple hours playing around the idea. I have the basic integration now. The changes needed for pocket-platformer are minimal. There is more work on the side of RPG Maker and my solution is still rough around the edges but I will have it finished off soon.

Ooooh, I have found the github repo! If I wanted to add some code to make integration with other apps easier - would you consider such pull request?

I was thinking about embedding some platform mini-games inside a top-down game made with RPG Maker. I am actually not doing any commercial projects but asked for it because I find this tool really good. For someone only wanting a mini-game and working on a commercial product - it would be reasonable to pay you.

As for changing the code - I have no problems working with html + js. As for the RPG Maker side - this is a bit of an experiment. I'll let you know if I had any luck integrating the two.

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Hello. Thank you for this tool, it is really fun!

Currently I don't see any information about the licensing of the products of this tool. I am curious what is allowed:

  • Is it allowed to package the output page(s) as part of another product?
  • Could the "wrapper product" be commercial?
  • Is it allowed to modify the code of output page before packaging with another product?

There are also some extra ideas which could make it easier to integrate with other pages / html apps:

  • Hiding the popup on closing the page.
  • Hiding the title screen.
  • Starting the page with a specific level preloaded (e.g. I might want to get level 3 to load instead of 1 because of something in the context of my app)
  • Callbacks when specific places / checkpoints are reached, this would allow a lot of possibilities:
    • creating a mini-game to collect items for another "master" game
    • creating a teleport / quick travel system for another game (e.g. a top-down game)
  • Callbacks when a level is completed.
  • Callbacks on collisions with projectiles, spikes or any other way of dying
  • Passing params to control what the player has unlocked e.g. double jump, wall jump - this would allow mixing this game in fun ways and replaying same levels with more options accessible. This one is maybe less impactful as I could as well export the game with different settings and open the page I need.

Maybe you could make money by selling it as "pro" version? Just a suggestion tho. I hope you like the ideas. I really enjoyed playing with your tool!

edit: After your response I found the other commercial license topic

How do I use the trampoline? Jumping on it does not work.

I am using the steam version. I downloaded v9940 and it does not make those crazy sounds anymore.

I installed v9944 and all the sounds and music are messed up. I would prefer to use the defaults - how can I change it?

This game is really nice!

This is a very cool game!

Is it your choice to only accept paypal? I cannot see other options.

Finally found a moment of calm to enjoy it. It is a nice little game. Thank you for making it.

Thanks, sorry if I was sounding rude. I never looked at these dialogs as a stream of consciousness before, maybe because this feature seems a little buggy in my own head.

Have a lovely day too.

This looks awesome but as someone with ADHD I find those "never ending small text boxes" horribly annoying. Give me something bigger, show all the relevant text, if necessary say "1/3" at the bottom. But don't torture me with this infinite stream of slowly scrolled messages.

I will get back to it when I am in a calmer mood as this game really looks great.

I looks really nice and simple. I tried it on windows11 and it hangs. Once it hangs the only way to fix it is to close and restart the game :/

(1 edit)

Just curious - full version is still in development right?

This is quite fun and it looks very good. One thing which I find a bit annoying is seeing all this space behind me and little space ahead.

Game so bad it is actually good. I love the sound effects!

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So I got into what I believe is the second stage - some dark forest. There are bats all around which I just cannot see. I fall into them randomly and die. I tried spamming attacks but it only protects me a little.

Otherwise the game looks really cool and I wanted to play it.

This is the most beautiful 8bit game I have ever seen.

I played it on a 3.5'' handheld (rg351p) and it was really fun. The text was big enough though the artistic font was a little hard to read. The enemies were challenging enough but not annoying. Great work!

I tried it, on the very first stage of my first rubn there are so many bullets I cannot see where to move to avoid them. This is a bit too hard for a start :/

A local-multiplayer version supporting controllers could be interesting.

I think an intro level which would explain the rules by forcing the player through a simplified maze would help a lot.

This was really good but I did not understand what to do during the boss fight. Somehow I defeated it but I have no idea how and why :)

Better than the original :D

This is only 3mb, that is way less than most windows games. What engine did you use if I may ask ?

I love it and I hate it too. So frustrating :D

I could not find any seed to plant, so I resigned. The controls are hard to use with a controller, one joystick used to move, the other to turn around - hard to use. I really liked the style and hoped to play the game with my kids but it would just be too hard to control for them.

Things I like

  • how the game looks
  • the general mechanics

Things I don't like

  • the controls (controller support is messed up, too fast acceleration making it too hard to move "a little")
  • the navigation between levels
  • it is too hard, the enemies shoot too often and are hard to kill

I was considering the game as something I could include in the game collection for my kids but it is a little too frustrating.

I can see the game running but there is no reaction to any pressed keys.

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I think this game is local-multiplayer? If so, I think it's worth adding this tag.

There is this playlist on youtube - Franken OST

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Better than any AAA games I ever played combined.

Also - can I download the sound track?

I only played a couple minutes yet but this is really fun :)

Hi. This game looks really fun but I have some problems running it on Windows 10.

  • I wanted to try it and the game modes do not really explain how they work. I figured "target practice" sounds like something which should run in single player. I tried it and then...
  • When I try starting a game the program just crashes without any error message. It happens right after the coundown. I tried it with and without the fullscreen mode on.
  • Another problem I noticed - the game does not scale properly on my 1920x1080 screen. Until I switch full screen on - in the options menu I can only see a part of the connected device list. More then half of this box overflows the screen.
  • I own crappy esperanza controllers. They are detected and seem to work (in the menus, because the game crashes) but I need to use the arrow keys to "move" between the options. The joystick remains inactive.

Does it have local multiplayer? If so, maybe update the tags?

I watched the trailer and I don't think I understand what this project is :)

The screenshots look somewhat interesting but not entirely convincing. Maybe you have a video showing off this project?

When I was fighting the first boss one of the dogs died. This moved me to the next stage. I am not sure at this point - did I even defeat that boss?