Compared to other games in the jam I've played that have a die that controls many aspects of the game, this one seems implemented pretty well. None of the things it influences can make or ruin your experience, it just makes you change your strategy. The idea of also linking that to a time limit was clever. Also being able to see while in a battle whether the die has changed and prevented you from getting in the door you were headed to is a nice way of adding a little extra pressure to battles.
As a music guy myself, I enjoy that the exploration music and the battle music both use the same leitmotif to tie them together. Overall, the music and graphics are quite appealing and definitely make the game more enjoyable.
My only real complaint is that overworld navigation is a bit of a chore. It has the problem shared by many top-down navigation games that it's very finicky to fit into one-tile wide gaps. The spikes on the overworld are also more annoying than they should be due to the same problem. Altogether, despite its bugs, I quite enjoyed your game. Great work!