Figuring out the mechanics in this one was pretty tough. I was pretty impressed immediately by the style, music, and game feel, but I mostly just wandered around having no idea what I was doing. What do these slot machines do? What doors am I opening with these keys? I went and locked down everything and didn't understand what that was supposed to have done. All the while I'm wondering why there's 2 maps. Eventually I figure out that the slot machines are randomizing the rooms and that the keys are locking them in place so they can't be changed, but I'm still confused what I'm supposed to do -- are there rooms that I can only get to if things are randomized in the right place?
Eventually it dawns on me that the left map could be a goal, but I think to myself -- I don't remember the game telling me that, and that seems pretty important. So I decide to refresh just to make sure, and there, sure enough, is the word goal, flashing for maybe half a second and then disappearing.
Anyway, there's a certain amount of fun in figuring out mechanics, but it's always a balance. But once you understand all that, it's a pretty cool game, and it's really impressive that you were able to make a randomly generated game like this for a game jam.