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Zac E

A member registered Jun 30, 2015 · View creator page →

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I absolutely adore this game.  Insanely impressive for 18 days.

I'll echo what a lot of other people are saying about the movement and sound design being fantastic.

The visual designs of the different areas are as distinct as they are lovely to look at.  A lot of the enemy designs gave me big Cave Story vibes in the best way.

I really enjoyed the level design on the whole, but especially the way the Slam and Lambaste enemies were used in a number of sections to keep you on the move (and moving is super fun in this game).  The variety of different slopes are used really well to create a lot of unique and interesting areas.

I love the extra bits on detail on the street lamps you can shake around and all the great animations on the square.

The catharsis of getting the missile upgrade and getting to blow up all the enemies you previously had to dodge around was a great moment too.

I found the telegraphing of attacks from the later bosses to be a little lackluster (Nemesis especially).  I felt like I more-so had to get lucky to beat them as opposed to understanding their patterns and tells and outmaneuvering them.  The fact there as many bosses as there are kinda blows my mind though.

I also wish the punch attack had a little bit more range to it, but I understand why it's the way it is.

Thanks so much for making this game!  Amazing work; I had a blast.

P.S. I found this bug when transitioning screens.  I imagine you've seen it, but I just wanted to make sure.

Thanks!  I'm not entirely what you mean; last as long as what?

Thanks for playing!  The controls can take some getting used to for sure.

Thanks for playing!  The controls can take some getting used to for sure.

I was only ever able to toggle the pause menu, nothing else worked, sadly.

A simple idea done well.  It does feel like a little bit like a crap shoot whether or not you fail after you get past 10 or more in a row due to the randomness.

Really cool idea and it's very fun.  Awesome work.

I was totally confused for the first five minutes.  After reading the description for the third time I finally got it.  It's very cool.  I liked it a lot.  The part where you have to undo a prior answer to redo it in a more useful position is super cool.  This is such a fascinating idea.  Awesome work,

Neat idea and cool presentation.  I kept losing track of my cursor on the black and white screen.

This is a really neat idea.  There is probably more to it than what I got, but it felt very much like trial and error to me.

This is an interesting idea and it looks fantastic.  I had a tough time telling whether I succeeded or not, so the player feedback could be maybe be better.

I like the presentation but I could not get anything to happen after trying and consulting the controls multiple times.  I am sure I am missing something.

No need to apologize.  It's still wildly impressive for 48 hours.

I think I'm getting stuck after the first rotation room and I don't quite understand why I'm unable to move the level after that.  I'm not sure why you can rotate and move the level at the same time, it feels like an arbitrary restriction.  I like the concept and presentation a lot.

I saw the text, I didn't see the bricks being added down there as the ball moves around, that helps a lot.  There are a lot of different placed to be looking at at different points in the game.

Very neat idea.  I like the presentation a lot.  It feels hard to know when you can hit the people, when they have been hit, and when they are close enough to threaten you.

Very impressive work for 48 hours.  Like others have said, the tank controls for the rat are awkward and bog down the whole thing.

This is very impressive for 48 hours.  The presentation is excellent and the game plays great.  I might have been missing it, but it was hard to tell when you would be able to place down a brick and when the ball would just keep firing at you.  Awesome stuff.

Really interesting idea.  I could see this being very cool with a little more time, but what we have right now is cool.

I really like the cute bugs and overall aesthetics.  There is a very solid gameplay loop here.  The one thing I wasn't sure of is when I would win or lose, I'm probably missing something there.  Great work.  It's cool to see a LOVE2D game.

I really liked the presentation, it looks very clean.  I found a bug on two levels where I would hit the spikes and not restart the level; I kinda liked it a little bit more when that happened.  Given how difficult the controls are, dying to the spikes felt really punishing sometimes.  The ball bouncing also felt a little off, especially when it would appear to get stuck on a wall or ceiling.  Great work.

Nice work.  I could see this easily being a interesting game with a little more time in the oven.

It's really clever that you have to send out powerups to be able to afford more ships.  Great work for 48 hours.

This is awesome.  Such a wonderfully weird game that works so well.

This is excellent.  The puzzles are wonderful.  I think the color palette and tiles designs can make it a little harder to notice everything at a glance, which make it take just a little bit longer to tell where all the boxes, buttons, and spikes are.  The use of a few more colors might help with that.  The 1-bit aesthetic is great otherwise.  Great work.

This is very impressive work for 48 hours.  It seems like you bit off a little more than you could chew in that time.  I could see this being really fun with a little more time in the oven.

Thank you!  I appreciate the camera feedback.  I'm sure it could be improved with some more iteration and testing.


Thank you!  Those are all good suggestions of things to experiment with in the future.

I did enjoy the game.  I'm sorry, this probably isn't the most helpful feedback, but I felt like I was waiting for one more mechanic or rule or something to kick in and twist the concept.  I'm not sure what that would be or if that is even needed for what you are going for, it was just a feeling I had while playing.  I hope that helps a little bit more.

Nice work.  I like the presentation quite a bit.  It took me a bit to understand the fishing mini game.

The presentation is great for 48 hours.  I liked the image of the sparrow carrying a huge suitcase and axe.  

Thanks!  It does seem like a solid candidate for a daily run kinda thing, now that I think of it...


Awesome idea executed wonderfully.  The art and music are perfect.  This would be such a fun party game.  Great work.

This is a really cool idea executed well.  I'm not sure what, but I feel like something is missing in the design to make it super interesting.  The music feels perfect. Incredible work for 48 hours.

The aesthetic and presentation is fantastic, especially for 48 hours.  Impressive work.  Subtitles would help in understanding the voice over; I'm sure I missed some things there.

This is very cool.  I didn't think I would see a function RTS in this jam, let alone a good one.  Awesome work.

This is very neat.  As others said, it's a bit slow to start.  The sound effects were really loud and jarring.  I'm not sure why the non-standard blocks are here from a design perspective; they just felt like they got in the way of what I wanted to do as a player.  I like this idea and think it could be something really cool with some more iteration.

This is great.  I like the 1-bit aesthetic, but it made it just a tiny bit harder to tell what was going on to start off.  I got used to it pretty quick.