Hey, thanks for testing the game. It’s cool that you learn other languages, by the way I also used Duolingo to learn English, German, Chinese and Arabic.
In terms of originality, my friend came up with the idea of the game, and it sounded like a random word generator, and it carved out the word undead.
The whole game was created by one person - me. And I spent most of it on drawing graphics rather than code, although I’m more coder than designer.
With regard to keyboard layout, initially the control was arrows, but a friend who tested the game said that it was better to make controls on the WASD, as I did, but did not have time to draw art for buttons
He wanted the game to be under different languages, but again limited in time and there was no translation to the AZERTY keyboard.
The dice roll system originated in the process of creation of the game. The cube was originally in 3D, and the fact that he was replacing a player, it seemed like a lot of fun, but it didn’t look like a 3D cube, so I had to move the animation to 2D, and after the substitution, it was crooked, and I just overlaid the player with cube animation
I spent time drawing platformer details of 3 bosses and animation for everything. According to the story, the player dies and ends up in the lower world. he finds the artifact "cube" and with his help he deceives the choron "Lower World Guide" and passing the test reaches the castle of Hades, where he meets the first boss in the form of a cerbera. There was an idea of who would have the most number in the cube, and who would have the most advantage in the battle. After defeating a cerberus, and passing through a castle and a bunch of challenges, the player reaches Hades, who he fights with the same system as the cerberus, after the victory of Hades the player goes all the way to the river of life, but a horon appears he changes his appearance and becomes the final boss, he defeats us and drowns in the river of life, after which the player resurrects on Earth
All matches with other games are random = )
With the die roll, it’s a separate story, and I’ve spent the lion’s share of my time doing it, and I still don’t like what’s come of it. If I finish the game, I’ll change some aspects for a full-price game
It should be said that the graphics I drew for the first time, and especially animated, and I am very glad that at least it worked.