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It's a really interesting concept, but I feel like it's heavily mired by technical issues and strange gameplay choices. Some technical things I noticed included the lack of a pause menu (ESC closing the game is more annoying than it doing nothing when trying to pause), the collision for picking the dice back up is weird, the numbers on the enemies heads should really be billboards (i.e. always face the camera), and the rotating dice and camera don't move in tandem (it caused the dice to stutter on my high refresh-rate monitor). Gameplay wise, I am always a sucker for having to pick your ammo back up, so I liked that. However, the combination of only being able to shoot dice by a timer and having to hit enemies with an exact value made for an annoying combination. I think one of them alone would have made for a good mechanic. As it is, so much of the game is just throwing dice against a wall to try to get the number you need, and then once you get it, waiting for it to come back around to be able to fire it. It's neat in concept, but I think it would have worked better if it were cut back a little (eg. having all die values work on all enemies, just different damage amounts; or being able to shoot each die value on-demand).

Thank you for your review, I have transferred  the points into my todo list!