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Certainly a very creative take on the theme! Art matches very well with the absurd dialog!

The dialog itself was a bit all over the place. It lacked a bit in structure for my liking, I believe it would be funnier to have dialog that starting to make sense and then drop something weird in there. But maybe I just didn't get something, or had an unlucky run in the game

Anyways good job putting this unique game together in such a short time!

I played it on my stream! Here's a recording in case you'd like to see it

(1 edit) (+1)

I think you have to go in the game knowing that it won't make sense and having fun imagining what the weird sentences means. But I agree about the lack of sense, sometimes it is just to much. (And also you didn't have much luck at all x))

And good idea about the normal sentences and bim something weird !

Thank you very much for playing it on stream and for the comment !