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(3 edits) (+6)(-1)

Thats better feedback & critique. Your first comment was basically saying to the Killer7 "Hey, your game isn't very good because of this". It gave no constructive opinion for them to take on board. Now you have clarified yourself and given reasons why you think it could be better, great! Thats good for the Dev to know and they can think about how they want to work it into THEIR game, if they decide to pick it up and go with it.

If I recall correctly, and other sites clamped down on the incest thing not too long ago, which means this game was most likely in existence before the rule changes so to correct it in the way you would like, then Killer7 would most likely have had to stop working on any updates to the game and disappoint their subscribers by going back to the very beginning nuts and bolts of the code to rework every single scene to incorporate the changes. So, a kind soul on the internet took to making a patch to work around the issue.

As to my comment about educating yourself, I'm afraid that if you can't be bothered to scroll/page down 5 or 6 times and look for a link and an explanation didn't want to educate yourself, I'm sorry that is coming across to you as rude but I can't dress it up any other way.