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Really cool game, I was confused at first but quickly figured out how to play which is nice. There definitely seems to be a meta strat of just sending your units to die but targeting 1 area of the board though? Seems like keeping them alive/on the board might actually be somewhat disadvantageous but could just have been my RNG. During my first playthrough, I did have a weird bug where I was stuck waiting for the opponent (won't let me send 2 screenshots tho).

but afterwards i refreshed and tried that yolo strat and won quite easily (i got really lucky with rolls). I love the presentation in this game and the details like being able to move the dice in the bag during the enemies turn lol

also idk if you'd consider it a bug but it felt kind of weird to be able to end turn while in the dice picking stage of drawing a card and the card just stays up:

anyway i really think the game is pretty cool and insane for a 2 day jam, i wish i had your art skills haha