A very charming puzzle game, I completed it happily. Now for the review.
Presentation: The game looks really good, the art style is cute but also very readable. The way the tiles counts down(up, or alternate) is very nice as a gameplay challenge but especially satisfying from a visual presentation perspective, as it makes the space feel more real as the player interacts with it. From an audio perspective, the tile changing sound was very satisfying and clear. The step sounds were a nice touch. I think my only feedback as far as the audio goes is I whish there was some music. Your answer form says you created music so perhaps it is a bug that I didn't hear any, but regardless I think some music even very simple music would have only improved the playing experience.
Now for the gameplay/mechanics: The mechanics are very clever and simple (at least on the surface), and allowed for a very fun puzzle experience. I really like how each mechanic was introduced with good simple levels that built on each other before advancing to more complex variations. I think the level design was really good overall, and because of its seeming simplicity I never felt overwhelmed or forgot what a tile did. I knew what to expect from each tile type pretty quickly, and when I struggled with a puzzle I was able to try different things because i knew what each tile type did, and the best part is you didn't even use text to explain it. (Really really good work!) In terms of feedback, i really don't have much from a gameplay perspective. There was lots of content for a jam game of this size, and nothing surprised me and I didn't experience any bugs. Overall, it felt really professional. If i had to nitpick, I would say maybe the player characters movements could be a bit bouncier and responsive but that is really more personal preference than anything on the game side.
Thank you for sharing this game with us, and congrats on making a really fun puzzle game, i hope you expand on it in the future.