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A member registered Jul 01, 2021 · View creator page →

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Very happy you enjoyed my game. Thank you for the kind words.

Haha ty ty

Ty very much. It was so much fun to make this. I am happy you like it.

Really cool concept. I enjoyed playing it, it was hard and fun. I liked the sound effects and thought the presentation was simple and clear. My feedback is perhaps that last level is a bit too difficult given the levels before it, but I got there eventually!

all in all very nice time with this

Yay ty. Haha yes also very inspired by flash games. Thank you for the kind words

Omg thank you! I am glad you enjoyed it!

(1 edit)

very impressive work given the time frame. I really like how you implemented the controls. I thought the movement system was a super cool twist on this formula. I also really liked the very manual systems for aiming and power. very cool. I think you should continue updating this after the jam. It is really novel and I would love to see it given an extra week of polish. My feedback is that it would be better if the players power settings were not shared between turns. Awesome work, I really enjoyed playing this with my friends.

Excellent game. Super hard, but very engaging. I loved the visuals and sound effects, and the core mechanic was very fun.

My only feedback is that the player can move before the restart transition is complete, and input should probably be locked until the transition is done.

Fantastic work.

Very reminiscent of flash games from my youth. Had a good bit of fun with it. I reading your description yeah I can see why this took a while and it is pretty impressive to have ragdoll physics for a jam so good work there. The game itself is pretty fun and challenging. However, while it is challenging it is also very fair. You did a good job of making it clear where the boulders and rocks were off screen.

My only feedback is I think the click could be stronger because it can get a little tiring to constantly be clicking and I think a slightly stronger click would alleviate that. 

Nice work, good job getting it in. This was a lot of fun.

I really enjoyed that. Played it the whole way through. Some really fun little puzzles and just all around chill vibes. I dont have much in the name of feedback or criticism sorry. I just really enjoyed this game all around and I think it does what it intends to do really well. Everything is very clear and the game is easy to understand.

Thank you for sharing your game.

Really cool idea. I like how you chose to implement the limitation. 

Visually the game is very clear, and easy to understand.  I am really happy with the core conceit of your implementation of the limitation. The leaves actually feel like leaves and and blowing them around is rather satisfying. From an audio perspective, I think you did a great job. Everything that needed a sound had one, and the rustling leaves effect was a really nice touch.

If you choose to update it, I think that making the leaf pile lock leaves in would be a good idea. As of right now, sometimes the leaves just get stuck in the upper right corner and that can prevent progress and unfortunately the replay button is broken so a full refresh is required to restart.

Thank you for sharing your game! nice work.

(1 edit)

Pretty funny  and cute game. There is def a sense of humor here, with the player smashing into planes and other air travelers. The visuals in the game are really nice, crips, and readable. The sound design is also well done. Overall the presentation is great, and the game feels nice and juicy.

It may perhaps be a bit on the easy side, but it is still good fun.

Well done!

Super unique. I haven't played anything else like it in the jam.

The game is juicy and feels great to play. I like the core mechanic a lot. The music is also excellent and the whole things has a nice level of polish. 

As far as feedback goes, I think you focused on all the right things in the jam. If you do update it after the jam I would suggest adding a more visually clear indication that the player has missed a balloon.

Great game. Thank you for sharing.

Fantastic art style! I loved how the game looked, def one of the most visually appealing games in the jam. 

Gameplay was very polished and nothing overstayed its welcome. I like the addition of an attack/defend ability, adds some additional strategic depth to this sort of game.

My only feedback is that it might be a bit too hard when the lightning shows up and the screen is still packed with mosquitos. There probs need to be some peaks and valleys in the difficulty, rn its all peaks.

Fantastic game, well done!.

Interesting little game. It was pretty challenging and the core conceit is a good one. My feedback is that i suspect that the balancing is a bit off and with just slightly more fuel or slower fuel burn rate the game would be stronger. Presentation wise, everything was super clear and I am really happy that you showed the wind directions, it is an easy thing to miss. All in all, good work, 

(2 edits)

Honestly great.

I have seen a number of games where they have the wind push you around but this is the first ive seen that actually shows that gameplay info by changing the way the clouds are moving. So from the get go you are already winning me over on a readability front. Then!!! You add that the enemies make sounds before they come on screen as a telegraph and I loved it even more. The presentation of this game is through the roof. The game looks beautiful, and sounds great. You can really tell a lot of work went into making this as playable as possible. Really fantastic work. 

great game great work

Pretty fun! It is simple and effective while remaining challenging. A lot of the time with these kind of games there is a way to cheese your way through but your game doesn't seem to have this problem You could totally do a little bit of polishing and release this on mobile. 
If you choose to expand it, I hope you add some music and some sounds for the chests.

Good work.

Honestly, rather emotional. Way to go getting me invested emotionally in a 3 minute internet game. As others have said it effectively evokes the feelings of dreams. My only feedback is perhaps make the controls a little less sharp, but given that the story was clearly central to your game, I am going to say you made the right calls with your time.

Thanks for making this. I really appreciate that you chose to do something with a narrative/story.

Juicy as hell! Really fun game that remains super clear even when it gets really frantic. I played the web version and even that was fantastic. I honestly do not have any critiques or feedback. Just had an absolute blast.

Game was fun, had a cohesive style, and sounded great.

really well done.

Really interesting concept. You have some really interesting and complex game ideas here so props to you for explaining it so clearly. I found the game easy to grasp and started to get the hang of it shortly after starting. I think i encountered a bug where if i picked a cloud but then clicked in the black area the turn would playout and I would lose the cloud. That was the only bug though. I think you should update this after the jam because there is some really good bones here for a game with strategic depth. Well done, and props on such a unique execution of the theme and limitation.

Thanks for sharing your game

Fun game, my highscore is 28.

I really like the control scheme, I found it rather intuitive and when I failed its because I messed up. I am also really happy that you made changes to the fans based on whether or not the associated key was pressed. I feel like you could take the readability further by having the fans not be blowing unless the player is holding the key down. However, as it stands it is fine without.  Honestly, just a nice simple game.

Nice work.

Cool game with some very fun levels.

I really liked the visuals and the player controller. The game felt pretty good to play! However, I do think the hit boxes on the spikes are a bit too unforgiving but that may just be me. Additionally, the wind changing probably needs some sort of visual indicator. Perhaps you could have the clouds in the background change direction based on the wind. Without the indication it becomes a bit too hard and unpredictable in some spots. With that said, it is still very fun and engaging to try and clear some of the sections. There were some great nail bitter moments where I barely squeaked by. I had fun with all the stages. I also just like the vibes honestly. The game reminds me of an old atari 2600 or NES game and that is never ever a bad thing.

Good work!

Thank you so much! I greatly appreciate it. I am glad you think it is polished(my sleep schedule totally did not suffer haha). 
Regarding your feedback, i greatly appreciate it....funnily enough it never occurred to me to make down the drop button, I may go in and mess with that to see if its better. Thank you again.

Yay, ty. happy to hear you enjoyed it and my silly attempt at music.

Happy you liked the mechanics! Hmmm sorry about the screen size its 900 x 900, if you have not already perhaps try ctrl+ but idk if that would make things better or mess up the game window for you. Regardless, thank you very much for taking the time to review.

Wonderful! Thank you for playing. I am happy like the presentation!

Thank you so much for the kind words! I am glad you enjoyed it.

Really interesting concept! Took me a bit of time to get used to it, however after a while I was shooting some and then trying to get away to transfer into a healthier ship. (There is some great strategic gameplay reactivity there). However, I do think the onboarding process is a little bit hard, and that the game would be better if there was a clear indicator of the transfer occurring visually as well as perhaps a slowdown to let the player adjust and reorient themselves.

Pretty cool, very unique. Fun take on the limitation. Great work.

Really cool concept with tons of potential.

I think its such a cool idea to be managing your grapple hook energy while navigating the wind changes and fighting enemies. I like that there were blocks where I could essentially rest. 

Presentation and game feel are really strong here. the game looks great, and the music is stellar. The sound effects all feel punchy and the explosions are effective. 

My feedback should you choose to expand or update this game after the jam is to maybe tighten up combat a bit. Perhaps have the enemies telegraph what their next attack directions are going to be because sometimes it felt to hectic to track them, and other times it felt cheap because I misjudged the next due to the presence of multiple enemies just out of view.

I like how you incorporated the limitation into your game and made considering wind a necessity when trying to conserve or regain grapple energy.

Really really cools game, with fantastic visuals and a unique idea.

Finished it.

The gameplay is simple and effective. Dodging the fans is fun and decently challenging. It would have been really easy to mess things up with unpredictable wind collision so really good work. I love that walking near wall torches lights them up! I know its not a big thing game-wise, but it was super cool and added a sense of space. I was also really impressed that you added a checkpoint system and that it instantly read as a checkpoint system with the log piles. That is excellent.

My feedback is that I wish there were sounds but its not a super big deal, its a jam and you gotta prioritize the game first. If you choose to update please add sounds I think it would really elevate the game. I also think perhaps the fan wind area could be made slightly more visually clear (it was fine for the most part but just like 10% clearer wouldn't hurt)

P.S. The visuals are really cool and I like the isometric style.

Thank you for sharing your game, it is pretty darn cool.

Finished it.

The gameplay is simple and effective. Dodging the fans is fun and decently challenging. It would have been really easy to mess things up with unpredictable wind collision so really good work. I love that walking near wall torches lights them up! I know its not a big thing game-wise, but it was super cool and added a sense of space. I was also really impressed that you added a checkpoint system and that it instantly read as a checkpoint system with the log piles. That is excellent.

My feedback is that I wish there were sounds but its not a super big deal, its a jam and you gotta prioritize the game first. If you choose to update please add sounds I think it would really elevate the game. I also think perhaps the fan wind area could be made slightly more visually clear (it was fine for the most part but just like 10% clearer wouldn't hurt)

P.S. The visuals are really cool and I like the isometric style.

Thank you for sharing your game, it is pretty darn cool.

Hands down one of coolest games I've seen in this jam!!

I really like the mechanics. The hat changing to show which way the wind was blowing *CHEF KISS*. The way the wind had an effect on fireball trajectory was also really fun, and lead to some really cool moments.

My only feedback is that perhaps enemy fireballs could have been a different color, and I wish there was a bit more  juice when you hit or kill enemies(but its a jam so i get that time was short, what you focused on was 100% the right call).

Really stellar game. Loved it.

Fun concept with excellent visuals. It reminds me of the flash games I played as a child(in the best possible way). Good bones here for expansion.

I do think it needs more player interaction because as of right now the player only launches and then the rest is up to luck. Its still super satisfying to go far but having more agency in the plane after could improve the experience. (Perhaps pickups, or a finite number of boosts, or an upgrade system.) Obviously this is a game jam, so you couldn't get to those things so they are more like suggestions for an expanded version rather than critiques.(which I would like).  I think you guys focused on a lot of the right things and I keep coming back to retry for a higher score. Its a super chill game with a strong set of bones. (it really does get exciting to see if you are going to get further or if you are about to hit the ground hard.)

Great Work

(Highscore:21 Balloons and 67.3m)

Pretty fun game. I especially like the level transition to the lightning section that was def an "ooooooh moment" and totally caught me by surprise (but more on that later).

At the start I wasn't to sure about the controls, however once I got used to them I actually really liked the way it felt. The punch at first felt meh until I really grasped how to use it. As you can tell I started to really like it, and then when I found out I could knock boulders into birds or trick birds into crashing into the boulders I was really all in. I love that you added the interaction between the hazards, I think it added a ton to experience and elevated it. I know it might seem kind of silly but many jam games would not have included that and would have just let the hazards overlap.

Now for the lightning phase. As far as scene changes go, it was awesome. It ran a bit dark and that made readability suffer a bit (could also just be my screen). However, it did add some cool new challenges because it forced me to stay close to the mountains, and it upped the atmosphere.

Overall, job well done

Music is great and the game has personality.

I really like how you implemented the limitation and the windsock was a great visualizer for it.

I have some small pieces of feedback.

1. It might make sense to move the rotation controls over to the "A" and "D" keys, I feel like it would make the controls better, but that may just be me.

2. I encountered a bug where if I even got slightly to close to the edge of the screen, my player would start to die.

The game is challenging(good thing), and is super readable. I know that might not seem like a big thing but it makes the difference (the windsock being my favorite example of readability). I could always tell what was happening.

Good job! 

I hope this review is helpful. Thank you for sharing your game

Music is great and the game has personality.

I really like how you implemented the limitation and the windsock was a great visualizer for it.

I have some small pieces of feedback.

1. It might make sense to move the rotation controls over to the "A" and "D" keys, I feel like it would make the controls better, but that may just be me.

2. I encountered a bug where if I even got slightly to close to the edge of the screen, my player would start to die.

The game is challenging(good thing), and is super readable. I know that might not seem like a big thing but it makes the difference (the windsock being my favorite example of readability). I could always tell what was happening.

Good job! 

I hope this review is helpful. Thank you for sharing your game

(1 edit)

The game looks very nice. I really liked the way you applied the limitation, I think seasons changing, and changing how you gather resources is a great one and this game could be expanded upon. I started trying to make some pretty cool wind tunnel apparatus towards the end. 

My one big piece of feedback is that the tutorial/on-boarding needs work. I did not initially understand the wind makers or what they did, and the tutorial is not super clear about what goes with what. However once I got past that initially learning curve, and started messing with the mechanics I had a lot of fun.

I only encountered 1 bug, where my counter stopped at 294.

Really fun game, I hope you expand upon it, because there is something there.

Very cool little game that plays really well.

The game is challenging and it feels great to get further than you got before.....I dont even want to mention how many times i had to die just to get past 150 :D.

 For games like this, readability is super important and I think you nailed that. I could always tell what was going on. 

From a gameplay standpoint, the wind gust mechanic was a cool and effective implementation of the limitation. It added a good deal of challenge, and forced me to really think about how I was aiming. The nose dive was the perfect amount of risk vs reward-- because yay down fast, but aaagh limited control.

Don't really have any notes or critiques for this one. Its a simple game that is really well executed.

Great work. I had fun

forgot to mention in my review, but i let out a happy squeal when I saw that your minimap/compass worked. Small detail but super cool

Congratulations on completing your first game!

I liked the concept, adding fuel management to flappy bird-esque mechanics feels like a great idea with a wealth of potential.

My feedback for you, if you choose to expand the game is to perhaps add additional obstacles, obviously this is a jam and you can't get around to everything in such a short period of time, but I could totally see added hazards as a way to enrich the playing experience and improve the challenge (especially if they knock out some of your fuel).

Presentation wise the game is very readable and I understood exactly what I had to do. The graphics are cute and i like my little guy on the plane. 

The game is also pretty bug free which is impressive. I think my music stopped at some point but it wasn't a big deal.

Overall, job well done and congrats on finishing your first game.