I really liked the ambience and the overall aesthetic of the game! The controls felt smooth and fluid and they made exploring the levels a joy. (I also really appreciated how unique and different they felt from one another!) My favorite was Forest :)
I did feel that the difficulty curve was slightly off. I completed the early levels without really having to think of how to solve the puzzle, while the last one ramped up in difficulty quite a bit. However, the final level also had my favorite moment of the game, gameplay wise, when you jump around a corner to find that gravity is suddenly rotated 90 degrees (you have a gif of this on the page). It felt like that aspect of the game suddenly clicked for me when I did that. Maybe you could put it in one of the earlier levels as a teaching moment and then use it as a component mechanic of more complex puzzles later on? Just a suggestion.
Anyway, I really enjoyed the game!