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Really cool idea here - those animations are choice!

Some tightening up of the controls, and maybe have the colors control more than just what enemies you can hit (maybe link to movement options?) would be cool. Also, it was annoying sometimes trying to shoot enemies that were slightly above me as they would fly horizontally making me have to jump and shoot repeatedly, that may have been intended but it didn't feel great when it happened.

Would love to see this expanded on :D

Thanks for playing! :) Just curious, what do you mean by tightening up of the controls? Which part didn’t feel good?

Nothing major, just things to iron out from playtesting really.

The gun seems to be able to be spammed as fast as you can tap the button. The camera could be a bit jittery when moving fast. It may be intentionally absent, but I would love a dedicated button for firing diagonally.