That's interesting, I'm wondering if there should've been some feedback for the grammatic bonus.
To be fair sometimes bad grammar is funny and I don't think they should be removed entirely, but a good portion of the time it felt impossible to make a sentence that made sense and the options werent ideal. I know thats like kind of the point but it hurts the obsessive compulsive part of my brain slightly. Maybe being able to re-roll the dice would've been good? I was also a bit unsure what the additional dice were doing, I assume it's just a larger pool overall, but might be good if you could roll every dice you collected one time, would make it feel more involved and rewarding to collect them.
Of all the jam games I played, I think this was the most charming though, so again very well done.
And Nanako still warms my heart even if they were overshadowed by the credits lmao.
Also I'm glad you liked the dicey rhythm game 😁
I think it turned out fairly solid (albeit difficulty was always going to be impossible to manage for a jam) Though I must admit in hindsight I kind of feel dissatisfied with it, I think just because it is just that, a rhythm game. I basically spent the entire jam programming super fiddly audio nonsense and never had time to make anything super fun with it. And inherently rhythm games are hard to make unique or interesting already. So It kinda feels like I didn't get to shine much this go of it. A far cry from the freerunningparkouranimescorpionbossbattle we did last jam together, eheh 😅
In the end the visuals and music take the show since theyre the only thing that can make a rhythm game stand out.