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So, I have another question that came to me as I lay in bed, mulling over that wonderful scene with Asterion, where the evil dust is expelled from his body, the death necklace is removed, and the star appears on his forehead.  Perhaps it is possible that he returned to live there?  and from there he has a second life to live, with birth and death, which began there, when the unconditional love of the one who had to torture him broke the kingdom that held him, and gave him back freedom, which the Master's love truly guaranteed him , circumventing the rules of the maze.  Could this happen?


What do you mean when you say 'Death'? It's been a bit since I've played through the game so I might have just forgotten about it?...

I've been wondering if that scene in the original labyrinth under the stars where Asterion gets his star back, if that isn't him becoming divine. He is technically a demigod, right?... So perhaps that scene was him redeeming himself for the supposed 'cowardice' at the hands of Theseus?

Eu gostei da maneira que você viu isso e, realmente, faz mais sentido ele ter voltado a ser divido do que minha interpretação, Asterion é um semideus afinal... Eu estou ansioso pra descobrir um jeito de liberar ele do labirinto, então é possível que tenha me deixado levar com essa ideia e distorcido um pouco minha visão, obrigado pelo conselho


I understand what you meant by death necklace, you were talking about the thing around his neck?... I am not sure if that was literal or a metaphor for something...

I also want to find a way to free Asterion from the labyrinth ❤️♥️

He deserves his freedom, (with or without the main character, if that's what he decides)

Eu entendo o que você quis dizer com colar da morte, você estava falando sobre a coisa em volta do pescoço?... Não tenho certeza se isso era literal ou uma metáfora para algo...

Eu também quero encontrar uma maneira de libertar Asterion do labirinto ❤️♥️

Ele merece sua liberdade, (com ou sem o personagem principal, se for o que ele decidir)

Sim, a coisa ao redor do pescoço que parecia sempre queimar e lembrar ele de que morreu decepado em Creta

Obrigado, acredito que com as próximas atualizações vamos obter nossas respostas

Duvido que tenhamos respostas para tudo, mas realmente espero que a próxima atualização responda pelo menos algumas das minhas perguntas! ♥️