I don't know about you guys but, I'm still playing at the moment i'm posting this, but I feel like I should. Some of Asterion's lines are making me worried that he's turning to stone, I wonder if he's really going to turn stone and die that way?
Because if he's really going to die that way, I'd accept that, but I'd rather have some way of sending his soul to hades hell, at the same time I think the new hell would make more sense at first for the demon lawyer to take over his case and, only after we win against these terrible gods, we could send him to Pás for the reunion with Hades and his friends.
I also have desires for a route where we can grow old together, and only then put an end to everything, I want him to enjoy a little happiness after all that he's been through, and I'm afraid another master will take my place, a bad master like that old man...
I would also like a route where we forgive and somehow we adopt the snake man inside the hotel, so that they make peace between him and Asterion, I am desenovlvendo epathy for the snake man too...
But in the end I just wanted to know if there is any plan to finish this amazing game, this story that we shared together, something that is good for Asterion, a definitive happy ending.
Anyway, thank you very much, business partner SayEntre hanging up!